
Top Content of 2023

In 2023, EM Resident continued its mission-worthy reign with numerous papers on compelling topics, written by our up-and-coming authors as well as previously published and experienced medical writers.

With an average of 80,000 page views on each month and loyal readers awaiting the magazine's arrival in mailboxes each quarter, EM Resident is proud to publish your papers, promote the specialty, and, above all, educate.

Most-Read Articles in 2023

Popular Papers Published in 2023

Top Gun Toxicity: Military-Grade Hydrocarbon Exposure Management in the ED by E. Mason Jackson, MD, and Michael Troise, MD

Pelvic Sepsis: A Fatal Complication of Routine Hemorrhoidectomy by Carly Rosen, MD, William Bonadio, MD, and Jessica Fleischer-Black, MD

Oh Snap! Ketamine-Induced Laryngospasm in an Adult Patient by Ashleigh MacLean, MD, and Neha Sehgal, DO

A Worthy Investment: What Every EM Resident Needs to Know About Reimbursement in 2023 by Nicholas Cozzi, MD, MBA, Jamie Shoemaker, MD, David McKenzie, Brian Graham, DO, Brian Hiestand, MD, Alexa Golden, MD, Lisa Maurer, MD, and Steve Kailes, MD

Emergent Diving Injuries: A Standardized Approach to Assessment by Lt. Daniel Weinberg, MD, and Lt. Christopher Androski, MD

Cauda Equina or Just HSV? Don’t Forget About Elsberg Syndrome by Anjali Kalra, BA, Peter Yun, MD, MPH, and Andrew Stricklin, MD

Critical Care Alert: INCEPTION Trial by Gabriel Colon, MD, Brian Sumner, MD, and Evan McMurray, MD

Critical Care Alert: Duration of Device-Based Fever Prevention After Cardiac Arrest by Alex Lucas, MD, Christine Yang, MD, Gabriel Colon, MD, and Evan McMurray, MD

Barriers to U.S. Visiting Student Rotations for Overseas Applicants by Kelsey Mercedes Morgan, RN-BSN, CEN, PMHN, and Erin Karl, MD

How to Care by Sian Lewis-Bevan, MD

A Case of Constipation … or Not by Karly Lebherz, MD, and Anna Suessman, DO, MED

The Ethics of Caring for an Unfavorable Patient by Adiba Matin, MD

Taking to the Sky: Launching an EM Resident Flight Physician Program by Christopher W. Root, MD, Michael Lauria, MD, NRP, FP-C, and Darren Braude, MD, FACEP

Critical Care Device Series: Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation by Christine Yang, MD, Alexandra Hallagan, MD, Dustin Slagle, MD, and Gabriel Wardi, MD, MPH

Critical Care Alert: ICE-CRASH Study by Sara Twadell, MD, and Evan McMurray, MD

Critical Care Alert: Delayed Versus Rapid Sequence Intubation in Critically Injured Trauma Patients by Gabriel Colon, MD, and Evan McMurray, MD

Critical Care Alert: The CT FIRST Cohort Study by Annemarie Daecher, MD, Dustin Slagle, MD, and Evan McMurray, MD

Critical Care Device Series: Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices (CIED) by Logan Brich, Brendan Innes, MD, and Achyut Kamat, MD, FACEP

From Weight Loss to Neurological Deficits: A Case of Wernicke’s Encephalopathy Stemming From Prescription Weight Loss Medication by Steven Foster, DO, and Adrianna Kyle, DO

Surf Medicine: Perspectives, Potential Hazards, and the Importance of Preparedness by Theresa Jo Thomas and Geoff Comp, DO, FAWM

Intussusception: Intestinal Obstruction in the Pediatric Patient by Oluwatosin Adenuga, MD, Natasha Tejwani, MD, and Rajesh Daftary, MD, MPH

From Response to Risk Reduction: The Evolving Field of Disaster Medicine by Capt. Yev Maksimenko, MD, MA, DiMM, FAWM, FP-C, and Sriram Venkatesan, FAWM

The Teeny Tiny Mighty: A Case of Pediatric Envenomation With the Western Pygmy Rattlesnake by Mounir Contreras, MD, Daniel Rivera, MD, and Sing-Yi Feng, MD, FACMT

Buprenorphine-Naloxone Initiation in a New York City ED: Interview With a Frontline Provider by Georgianna Stoukides and Anthony Almeida, DO

Cloudy With a Chance of Thyroid Storm: A “Grave” Condition by Alexa Van Besien, MD, Rakhi Desai, MD, Laura Welsh, MD, and Andrew Mittelman, MD

The Dangers of Delta-8 by Brittany Ladson, DO

Effective and Safe Opioid Dosing for Opioid-Tolerant Patients in the ED by Alexander Steele, MD, Leonie Oostrom-Shah, MD, Brian Gacioch, MD, FACEP, FAAEM, and Rita A. Manfredi, MD, FACEP

Chart Review: Early Presentation after Neodymium Magnet Ingestion Associated with Decreased Morbidity in Pediatric Patients by Anna Reviere, Ricardo Falcon, MD, Christopher W. Root, MD, Richard Lock, MD, Jason McKee, MD, David Lemon, MD, Pankaj Vohra, MD, Razan Alkhouri, MD, Timothy R. Petersen, PhD, and Codruta Soneru, MD

Factitious Disorder Manifesting as Acute Tetanus by Alex Avery Powell, MD, Mary-Claire O’Brien, and Mary Wittler, MD

Hand, Meet Autoinjector: Ouch! by Nikhil Mohan, DO, FACEP, and Paul Truong, DO

Critical Care ECMO Series: Introduction to ECMO by Alex Lucas, MD, Christian Kasianko, MD, Alexandra Hallagan, MD, Brendan Innes, MD, and Nicholas Johnson, MD

Health Policy Journal Club: A Study of Firearms Safety Education in the Pediatric Emergency Department by Kena Lemu, Vidya Eswaran, MD, and Cedric Dark, MD, MPH, FACEP

Critical Care Alert: Survival by Time-to-administration of Amiodarone, Lidocaine, or Placebo in Shock-Refractory Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest by Christian Roa, MD, Alex Lucas, MD, and Evan McMurray, MD

Greatest Hits in Emergency Medicine Research: 2023 by Charles Sanky, MD, MPH, David Gordon, Kristina Pagano, and Nathan Roberts, MD

Is That Really What They Want? Ways Your Code Status Conversations can Make or Break Getting to the Heart of a Patient’s Care Goals by Justin Brooten, MD

Roadblock: Difficult Intubations by Kunj Bhatt, MD, Colin Pesyna, MD, and Evan Leibner, MD, PhD

Top Podcasts
Our list wouldn’t be complete without our ever-popular podcasts. Here are several noteworthy EMRA*Cast episodes from the past year:

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