Does your emergency department have a plan for managing a Category 4 tornado? As the only pediatric hospital and Level 1 trauma center in Mississippi, the University of Mississippi Medical Center pivo
We present a qualitative study of dynamics, camaraderie, and belonging between emergency physicians and nurses. Healthy communication within the emergency department team is shown to improve both pati
“How long will I be in the hospital?” A review of the literature suggests that predicting length of stay at time of admission remains extremely difficult, and emergency physicians in particular are po
In our eagerness to be mindful of addiction, are we ignoring the pain control benefits that can be realized via parenteral use of opioids? The Health Policy Journal Club discusses how to thread that h
The Health Policy Journal Club says the evidence is clear: To reduce the burden of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and ultimately save lives, federal legislation and substantial funding must be priorit
Artificial Intelligence has garnered significant hype in every sector, including medicine. How accurate are those AI algorithms in predicting whether a patient is experiencing a medical emergency? The
In the United States, 50% of health care costs are accumulated by only 5% of the population. To curb spending, programs have been developed to improve outcomes in patients with high health care use. B
During a pivotal panel discussion hosted by EMRA’s Admin & Ops Committee at ACEP23, leading experts urgently called for a paradigm shift in how ED crowding is perceived and addressed. Far from being a
Does triage create a bias that might contribute to mis-diagnosis? The Health Policy Journal Club evaluates a recent study of the Emergency Severity Index.
Our study, examining how eclipses affect human behavior in terms of ED visits and acuity, suggests that the presence of an eclipse does not detrimentally affect human behavior. Human beings are sentie