Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an autoimmune neuromuscular disorder characterized by the formation of autoantibodies against postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction resulting in
Patients with suspected ocular trauma are at risk of vision loss - and emergency physicians must recognize the danger. This is one situation where an emergent ophthalmology consult is critical, as you
With the rising prevalence of neurosyphilis over the years, emergency medicine physicians should be cognizant of this can't-miss diagnosis in patients with focal neurologic findings, new-onset dementi
COVID-19 infections can trigger a cascade of comorbidities, including Behcet’s Disease. This rare condition causes chronic and remitting vasculitis, painful ulcers, and rash.
In the ED, there should be a high degree of suspicion for open globe injury in patients with significant blunt force trauma to the eye, especially in individuals with a history of prior ocular surgery
Identifying ocular infections and potential severity is a critical challenge in the clinical management of patients in the ED. Ophthalmology cases are important in the education and management of pati
Warfarin-induced spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage has been identified in the literature. Clinical judgment should guide emergent reversal of potentially sight-threatening ophthalmologic hemorrha
CRAO and BRAO are ocular emergencies mandating rapid diagnosis and management to prevent permanent loss of vision. Treatment options include ocular massage to attempt to relocate a lesion to a more pe
Managing acute angle closure glaucoma in the ED involves decreasing intraocular pressure caused by excess aqueous humor. Once the diagnosis is made, steps can be initiated to rapidly decrease the pres