Browsing: Pediatric EM

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Can’t-intubate/can’t-ventilate scenarios are critical, and the difficulty ramps up when your patient is a young child. Planning ahead for the difficult airway can make the difference between life and
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In this case report, a common, very non-specific complaint of nausea/vomiting leads to a rare diagnosis of noncompaction cardiomyopathy in a young adult. Learn how to catch this condition, despite its
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Acute, persistent headache in a pediatric patient with no recent trauma can have a broad differential and, in most cases, should raise red flags. This case demonstrates the evaluation and management o
The EMRA Simulation Research Grant allowed me to implement a multiyear pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) study that evaluates the effectiveness, usability, and workload implications of cognitive aids
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Immunoglobulin A vasculitis (IgAV) is the most common form of present vasculitis in children. Diagnosis is clinical and includes the presence of palpable purpura with at least 1 of the following: a bi
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Pediatric GI bleeding is a somewhat uncommon presentation to the emergency department. Disposition is critical for the pediatric patient with a suspected GI bleed. In the unwell-appearing child regard
The pediatric emergency department is a unique setting in which educational interventions can reach a wide variety of people. The Health Policy Journal Club examines a study conducted to gauge the eff
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Pediatric ingestion of small blunt objects typically resolves without medical intervention. However, cases involving ingestion of magnets present increased risk of life-threatening morbidity,2-5 parti
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Digital ischemia after accidental injection of an epinephrine autoinjector can be treated with subcutaneous terbutaline injection. Terbutaline is a selective beta-2-agonist, resulting in vasodilation.
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Western pygmy rattlesnake envenomations are a rare occurrence but should not be underestimated, as they cause significant morbidity. FabAV, also known as CroFab® (generic: crotalidae polyvalent immune