Browsing: Wilderness Medicine

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EMRA's MedWAR returned to its roots in Red Rock Canyon in 2024. This premier event combined wilderness medicine challenges with trail running and orienteering. The 11 competing teams braved record tem
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We present a case of bradycardia and dyspnea in an otherwise healthy young male found to have EKG abnormalities inclusive of third-degree heart block. The culprit? Lyme disease.
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Babesiosis can present with a varied clinical presentation, which can make it difficult to diagnose. However, one uncommon clue could be picked up on an ECG.
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Western pygmy rattlesnake envenomations are a rare occurrence but should not be underestimated, as they cause significant morbidity. FabAV, also known as CroFab® (generic: crotalidae polyvalent immune
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As the popularity of surfing grows, the incidence of surf injuries — both minor and traumatic — will increase accordingly. Knowledge and awareness about the breadth of potential injuries is essential
The ICE-CRASH Study examined the effects of ECMO on neurological outcomes among patients with severe hypothermia. Get the summary and the take-home points pertinent to emergency medicine.
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After a 3-year hiatus, EMRA's Wilderness Medicine Committee's premier event returned at ACEP21 in Boston. Find out all about MedWAR 2021.
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Lyme disease is one of the most common vector-borne diseases in the United States, affecting over 300,000 people annually between June and December. This case report describes a less common cardiac ma
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Post-pandemic vacations are picking up steam - and outdoor getaways remain popular. Are you ready to handle bites, stings, and other envenomations?