Browsing: April 2019

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An estimated 6.5 million Americans suffer from heart failure, a broad term that can encompass a range of patients. Acute decompensated heart failure may be the first presentation of a heart condition,
Next up in our Program Director Interview Series is E. Paul DeKoning, MD, who shares details about the opportunities available at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire
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Catch up with the news and opportunities available through EMRA.
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The top cause of line-of-duty deaths among firefighters is not trauma, burns, or asphyxiation from smoke. It is sudden cardiac events. EMS directors can have a profound impact on the health and longev
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What happens when you're having a lucid, pleasant conversation with a patient one minute - and noting her time of death the next?
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The podcasting space is a hot spot in FOAMed. How do you get started if you want to add your voice to the mix? We asked Andy Little, DO, an EMRA•Cast advisor and one of the hosts of EM Over Easy.
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Sometimes the best on-shift lessons come not from being on the front lines of a code - but from being the shoulder a patient's family leans on.
A 54-year-old male with a history of hypertension presents to the ED with palpitations. What is your interpretation of his EKG?
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Although the majority of residency programs offer elective opportunities, few provide the foundation for formal global health experiences. Yet the benefits of international clinical rotations for a ph
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Inborn errors of metabolism can present with a variety of nonspecific signs and symptoms. While individually rare, as a class of disorders they are not uncommon and should be recognized and treated ap