Browsing: Diversity and Inclusion

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The EMRA Diversity & Inclusion Committee is proud to present "Why History Matters," a series that highlights leaders and events that illuminate the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in th
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The specific health care needs of nonbinary patients have not been well-studied - which negatively affects their health outcomes. Emergency physicians should know how to address, assess, and manage pa
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Your perspective is power. It is your gift. For those of us from marginalized communities, perspective gives us strength. It affects how we treat patients. It affects how we view our specialty. It aff
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Emergency physicians treat everyone, regardless of social position, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual identity, or abilities. However, are we treating everyone equally?
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Is the end of residency the epitome and culmination of education? Even though it may be for some, it is the responsibility of attending physicians to educate newer generations of emergency physicians.
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Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DEI) is not only important to demonstrate to medical schools for successful recruitment, but it is also important to integrate into training and support
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Emergency medicine is a specialty that answers the call to serve, be on the frontlines, and step up to challenges. Due to deep inequities embedded within this country's history, we must address the de
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Implicit bias is rightfully the hot topic of the year, and it’s important to acquire a deeper understanding of it.
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We're pleased to introduce Sandra Coker, vice chair of the EMRA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, 2020-2021.
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We're pleased to introduce Arthur J. Pope, MD, PhD, vice chair of the EMRA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, 2020-2021.