Browsing: President's Message

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Burnout isn't just a buzzword in EM - it’s a lived reality. EMRA President Dave Wilson reflects on a key treatment for burnout: belonging. Build your lifelong professional community, starting with EMR
Half a century ago, our association was founded with a vision of service to, and representation of, emergency medicine residents. EMRA has kept that charge at the core of its mission.
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As the voice of emergency medicine physicians-in-training and the future of our specialty, EMRA continues to believe that the future of EM is bright while remaining committed to facing reality and add
At a time of year when most of us would prefer to be celebrating our incoming class of residents, instead EM-bound students, residents, and faculty have spent the past few months discussing the Match.
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As EM physicians, we see firsthand the needs and challenges of our healthcare system and how its many moving parts intersect and clash, positioning us to become the innovators our communities need. An
Based on recent ERAS data, medical student applications to EM residencies are significantly decreasing for the second year in a row. This is likely a ripple effect of underlying issues mounting in eme
Emergency medicine is, and will continue to be, an amazing specialty because of the patients we serve, the people we work with (which, hopefully, will include you), and our willingness to be there for
At the beginning of my term as your EMRA president, one of our priorities was for EMRA to be the leading source of career planning guidance as you work your way through residency, graduate, and tackle
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How does EMRA work for you? EMRA President Angela Cai's story was impacted by every piece of EMRA's representative process.
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EMRA President Angela Cai, MD, MBA, has a clear message as she steps up to the helm: Let's work together. This specialty's future will be stronger if every member participates in a direct, open, colla