Browsing: Editorial

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Your skill alone is the only thing that should be necessary to convince anyone of anything. But in many situations, that's simply not the case. It can be hard to be the new kid on the track.
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Being pregnant during residency presents many challenges - including the delicate balance between caring for patients and caring for the developing life inside. How do we hold these two realities in t
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To be a border physician is to be confronted daily with the human consequences of a failed immigration policy. Our specialty has long operated as a band-aid for the policy-driven effects we see daily.
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Distance alone is tough on a new relationship, but distance in the midst of residency training is unimaginably tougher. These years can teach you a lot about the true meaning of a partnership.
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Emergency physicians will increasingly shoulder the burden of a warming planet and its effects on human health unless we work to reduce emissions and reverse climate change.
There is truly nothing else like our specialty. When I look at the future of our specialty, where many may see overwhelming challenges, I see so much opportunity.
There is truly nothing else like our specialty. When I look at the future of our specialty, where many may see overwhelming challenges, I see so much opportunity.
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We’ve accomplished so much to get to where we are in this step of our training. I think the best plan for after graduating is to simply enjoy our careers. Every one of us has the best job in the world
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Leadership — in addition to being 1 of the 3 main pillars at the heart of EMRA’s mission (the other 2 being education and advocacy) — is part of the hidden curriculum of emergency medicine. How do we
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As fellow residents, we have a unique relationship with one another. This role as resident and teacher is a responsibility, but it is also an opportunity. We can cultivate a learning environment for e