2024 Toxicology Committee Leader Spotlight
Mason Jackson, MD, Chair of the EMRA Toxicology Committee, 2024
Program: Prisma Health Upstate
Your goal as an EMRA leader: To create professional development opportunities for the tox committee while increasing EMRA's appreciation and recognition of toxicologic emergencies and management.
Why get involved in a professional society? To advocate for residents and EM on a national scale
What do you think are the top three traits of a great leader? Leading from the front, organization and communication
What is something people don't know about you? I am horribly red-green and blue-purple colorblind.
If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: Either full time military (rather than military medicine) or a scientist
Laura Szczesniak, MD, PhD, Chair-Elect of the EMRA Toxicology Committee, 2024
Program: Medical College of Wisconsin
Your goal as an EMRA leader: My goal as an EMRA leader is to highlight the diverse range of opportunities in Emergency Medicine and Toxicology, and to have as much fun as possible doing it!
What do you think are the top three traits of a great leader?Enthusiasm, collaboration, flexibility
If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: Either working for the National Park Service or a groundskeeper somewhere in the middle of the woods
What is your favorite hack for night shifts? Take at least one nap the day before heading into an overnight to avoid too much of a sleep deficit. Also, multiple forms of caffeine never hurts!
Brittany Garza, DO, Vice Chair of the EMRA Toxicology Committee, 2024
Program: Central Michigan University
Your goal as an EMRA leader: My goal within EMRA is to help other emergency medicine residents from around the country to accomplish their personal goals!
Why did you get involved in a professional society? I got involved to learn more about the subspecialities within emergency medicine as well as to network with like minded people!
Caroline Wight, MD, MPH, Asst. Vice Chair of the EMRA Toxicology Committee, 2024
Program: University of California Davis
Your goal as an EMRA leader: My goal is to connect with other EM Residents who share my interest in toxicology, and see how we can grow this interest together.
Why did you get involved in a professional society? One of my mentors in toxicology told me that she had been involved with the EMRA toxicology committee and had a great experience connecting with other residents across the country and learning more about toxicology, so she encouraged me to get involved as well, and I'm glad I did !
What is the best advice you've ever received? Set short-term goals to set yourself up for success to achieve your long-term goals.
Favorite life hack for night shifts: Caffeine, sour candy, and music
What app on your phone consumes the most of your time? Instagram, iMessage, and the Apple Podcasts app
What's the last non-textbook you read? The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
John Michael Sherman, MD, Asst. Vice Chair of the EMRA Toxicology Committee, 2024
Program: Carolinas Medical Center
Your goal as an EMRA leader: I hope to show as many residents and medical students as I can how cool and interesting the field of toxicology is! I was lucky enough to have a phenomenal experience and a ton of exposure to it in medical school, and I want to bring that to others through education and professional opportunities.
Why did you get involved in a professional society? EMRA is the most powerful voice for emergency residents, and I knew by joining I would have a chance to make a difference throughout my residency.
What is the best advice you've ever received? Don't sweat the small stuff.
Favorite life hack for night shifts: Don't sit down, dictate notes while standing up. I also like to graze on snacks throughout the night to prevent a crash.
What app on your phone consumes the most of your time? Pokemon Go.
What's the last non-textbook you read? Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
Favorite channel on social media? At the moment, Adam Ragusea (YouTube cook), and always Dr. Glaucomflecken
Katherine (Kat) Markin, MD, Asst. Vice Chair of the EMRA Toxicology Committee, 2024
Program: George Washington University
Your goal as an EMRA leader: I am passionate about extending educational opportunities regarding toxicology to EMRA members with the goal of helping to improve the EM specialty. I will continue working to provide free toxicology resources to promote a broader, more inclusive learning environment for toxicology learners.
Why did you get involved in a professional society? Working with EMRA on the toxicology committee allows me to build on previous clinical experiences, to become a better doctor and leader, and to contribute to improving the EM specialty. I look forward to continuing to represent EM residents as a member of the EMRA leadership.
What is the best advice you've ever received? We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn.
Favorite life hack for night shifts: Never ending americanos
What's the last non-textbook you read? Outlander
Favorite channel on social media? TikTok - Timmy the Chonk
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