Join the 911 Network

It only takes a few seconds to sign up and our weekly emails will update you on the latest healthcare policy and advocacy issues relevant to emergency medicine.

Residents need to be involved in shaping health policy. Our perspectives are vital for improving healthcare. But traditionally, residents have been inactive in policy development. Rarely have we been asked to provide input or to sit at the negotiating table. It is time for that to change. The goal of ACEP's 911 Legislative Network, established in 1998, is to develop legislative contact teams of emergency physicians for each of the nation’s 435 congressional districts and for each of the 100 U.S. Senators. As residents, we can convey ACEP's legislative and regulatory priorities in an effective manner, and affect the final outcome of federal legislation important to the specialty of emergency medicine.

Thousands of ACEP and EMRA members currently participate in the 911 Legislative Network, acting as resources and health care issue experts for federal legislators to maximize the voice of emergency medicine in the federal legislative process.

Team Member Activities

We know that our members are very busy so we try to make it as easy as possible to participate in the Network. There are several ways that we communicate with 911 Network Team Members and various activities that we may ask you to participate in:

  • Weekly Update: Sent by email to inform you of the latest legislative, political and regulatory issues and activities.
  • Action Alerts: Sent by email requesting you contact your Representative or Senators about a specific issue or vote. A link to the ACEP website is provided where you will find sample letters and talking points that can be sent directly to your legislators with a click of a button.
  • Call Alerts: We provide an 800 number that you can use to call your Representative's or Senators' offices. Often the message is as simple as, "I live in Representative X's district and would like him or her to support bill # xxx".

Mention EMRA in the "referred by" section.

Sign Up Now

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