EMbark Article Submission Form

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Thanks for your interest in submitting an article for EMbark, EMRA’s online career-planning corner!

We’re pleased to help get your material published on our website. Use our online submission form below.

We’re looking for strong, well-written content that will help our medical students and residents plan their post-med school and post-residency journeys in emergency medicine.

There is no rigid word-count requirement, but articles should be article-length. Don’t write a novel. Use your best judgment; 500-1,000 words is in the right range. Include all authors’ names, credentials, and contact information on the first page of your article. Proper credit is key! Check out the EMRA/EM Resident Style Guide.

Contact the Editor with questions.

Just want to submit an idea for an article? Email the Editor.

EMbark Article Submission Form

To upload multiple images, hold down the CTRL key as you click each file.

By submitting an article to EMRA for publishing, you agree to release all publication rights to EMRA. EMRA reserves the right to publish the article in any and all formats, including (but not limited to) online and print. EMRA reserves the right to edit the article for publication in all formats (online, print, any and all other), to request revisions from the author(s), and/or to postpone publication of the article. Publication is not guaranteed.


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