EMRA and ACEP Chapter Leadership & Advocacy Pipeline
EMRA is proud to launch the EMRA and ACEP Chapter Leadership & Advocacy Pipeline, an incredible opportunity to connect you with ACEP chapters for peer-to-peer mentoring. Becoming involved with organized medicine allows you to impact health policy and patient care on a local, regional, and national scale. EMRA is here to help provide you with options for getting involved.
When you join EMRA, you also join ACEP and your ACEP state chapter, both of which provide more ways for you to be involved. ACEP has:
- 53 chapters
- ACEP's 38 sections (You get YPS and one additional free section.)
- ACEP committees (deadline May of each year!).
- Find more: Chapter and Verse: Resident and Medical Student Leadership Opportunities.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can be involved in the EMRA and ACEP Leadership & Advocacy Pipeline, reach out to our current chair.
Chair, Leadership and Advocacy Pipeline
Matt Christensen, MD is a PGY-3
Naval Medical Center San Diego
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