Advocacy Lecture Series
Advocacy 101 - a brief but comprehensive introduction to the basics of health policy and advocacy for the budding or practicing health professional
advocacy101_reid.pdfpdf 14.73 MB
Advocacy Guide
AdvocacyGuide.pdfpdf 130.53 KB
Access to Emergency Care
AccessToEmergencyCare.pptppt 1.76 MB
Introduction to Advocacy - LAC 2013
Advocacy Health Policy.pptppt 2.94 MB
ACA - The Affordable Care Act
AffordableCareAct.pptppt 368 KB
Balance Billing
BalanceBilling.pptppt 862.5 KB
Emergency Department Crowding: A Literature Based Review
EDCrowding.pptppt 1.66 MB
EM - A Brief History and Specialty Definition
EMHistory.pptppt 602 KB
EMTALA: Emergency Medicine Treatment and Labor Act
EMTALA.pptppt 1.5 MB
Graduate Medical Education Reimbursement and Residency Funding
GraduateReimbursementResidencyFunding.pptppt 561.5 KB
Grassroots Advocacy
GrassrootsAdvocacy.pptppt 1.71 MB
Healthcare Economics
HealthcareEconomicsPPT.pptppt 2.7 MB
Hospital Closings and Patient Visits
HospitalClosingsPatientVisits.pptppt 504.5 KB
Introduction To Advocacy
IntroToAdvocacy.pptppt 9.44 MB
Introduction to Health Policy
IntrotoHealhPolicyppt.pptppt 10.28 MB
Medical Liability
MedicalLiability.pptppt 2.86 MB
Medicare SGR Formula Physician Reimbursement
MedicareSGR.pptppt 525 KB
The Patient-Centered Medical Home
PatientCenteredMedicalHome.pptppt 1.03 MB
People in Advocacy
PeopleinAdvocacy.pptppt 520 KB
Physician Shortages
PhysicianShortages.pptppt 511.5 KB
Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) Measures
PQRI.pptppt 517.5 KB
Evolution of Health Insurance
primer_USinsurance.pptppt 4.67 MB
Problems In Consultant Retention
ProblemsConsultantRetention.pptppt 547 KB
Student Loans and Challenges Facing Medical Students
StudentLoans.pptppt 531 KB
Test Your Advocacy Knowledge!
TestAdvocacyKnowledge.pptppt 578 KB
Quick Guide to Tort Reform
TortReform.pptppt 548 KB