EMRA New Member Kits
What's In My Kit
New members in the US and Canada will recieve a new membership kit chockful of valuable bedside guides. It’s like a holiday when these beautifully colored boxes arrive in your mailbox - each filled with guides and cards that help make you a more successful student or physician. The incredible value of the contents is worth its weight in gold!
Because of exorbitant shipping prices, we are unable to mail new member kits to international members. However, our international members have free access to digital resources like EBMedicine, EMRAP and EM Resident magazine.
Benefits of Membership
In addition to the kit full of EMRA pocket resources and guides, you'll have access to numerous discounts and freebies, the opportunity to become a published author in EM Resident, the option to harness the power of networking and mentorship, use of online tools such as EMRA Match and EMRA Clerkship Match ... and become part of the #EMRAFamily.
And, we would be remiss if we didn't mention that your EMRA membership includes membership with ACEP.
Med Student Kits
EMRA's Medical Student Member Kit contains over $90 worth of on-shift publications and reference cards designed to fit in your coat and on your badge holder. These are just a start to the great member benefits and resources EMRA provides.
Also, check out EMRA Residency and Clerkship Match and EMRA's mobile apps for Apple and Android devices.
See the EMRA Student section to find out more.
EMRA Antibiotic Guide, 21st ed.
Published: July, 2024The EMRA Antibiotic Guide's 21st edition, released in 2024, focuses on stewardship, especially in the case of allergies or sensitivities. Find trusted guidance through this collaboration between EM physicians, pharmacy, and infectious disease experts. You can't go on shift without this incredible resource – and you won't want to. Member copies are provided with help from an educational grant from US Acute Care Solutions. EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the EMRA Antibiotic Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
EM Fundamentals: The Essential Handbook for Emergency Medicine Residents, 2nd Edition
Published: June, 2021This pocket-size reference manual is stronger than ever, with a new and improved edition. Find quick guides, can't-miss diagnoses, warning signs, and common treatments for a host of conditions you'll encounter on shift in the emergency department.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Basics of Emergency Medicine, 4th Edition
Published: June, 2021EMRA is pleased to offer the newest edition of our popular clinical guide that will help you build a differential and assemble a treatment plan efficiently and quickly. This pocket-size resource focuses on nearly 2 dozen of the most common chief complaints you'll see on shift.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
EMRA and CORD Student Advising Guide: An Evidence-Based Approach to Matching in EM
Published: May, 2023Medical students are applying to twice as many residency programs as they were a decade ago – straining their time, their stamina, and their bank accounts. What does the data show to be effective for matching into emergency medicine? EMRA and the Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine have broken it down for you. This book – free to all EMRA student members and also accessible online – will help you apply smarter, not harder.
Download Nowpdf 1.61 MB
Reference Cards
Pediatric Qwic
Published: May, 2017EMRA’s comprehensive quick-reference card puts indispensable pediatric medical information at your fingertips -- from proper dosages to vital statistics by age. The tri-fold Qwic Card includes pertinent sections for critical care including: toxicology formulas, treatment of DKA, treatment of hyperkalemia, neonatal resuscitation, modified infant GCS score, RSI-pretreatment, RSI-Induction, RSI-paralysis ventilation, pearls, fluids, sedation and analgesia, seizure medication, anaphylaxis, asthma and croup, medication drips, cardiac medication and arrhythmia, antihypertensives and diuretics, antidotes, antibiotics, blood products, and rhythm disturbances (fast, slow, pulseless arrest). Also included is a chart of average vitals and equipment sizes by age (newborn to 12 yrs).
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Stepwise Approach to ECG Interpretation
Published: July, 2021This trifold card offers a stepwise approach to interpreting ECGs on-shift in the emergency department. Use this go-to resource to develop a consistent approach and more quickly identify concerning patterns, potential problems, and important etiology. This resource fits in the pocket of your scrubs and is built to withstand disinfecting wipes. The ECG Interpretation Card is best for medical students, off-service rotators in the ED, PAs, NPs, nurses, EMS, and any other healthcare team member who wants to learn more about ECG interpretation.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore
Resident Kits
EMRA's Resident Member Kit contains over $249 worth of on-shift publications and reference cards designed to fit in your coat and on your badge holder. These are just a start to the great member benefits and resources EMRA provides.
Looking for a Fellowship, checkout EMRA Fellowship Match (coming soon).
EMRA has great benefits and savings for board prep, loan resources, and more.
EMRA Antibiotic Guide, 21st ed.
Published: July, 2024The EMRA Antibiotic Guide's 21st edition, released in 2024, focuses on stewardship, especially in the case of allergies or sensitivities. Find trusted guidance through this collaboration between EM physicians, pharmacy, and infectious disease experts. You can't go on shift without this incredible resource – and you won't want to. Member copies are provided with help from an educational grant from US Acute Care Solutions. EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the EMRA Antibiotic Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
EMRA Ortho Guide
Published: July, 2019Confidently assess and manage fractures, dislocations, and other musculoskeletal injuries in the emergency department with the EMRA Ortho Guide. This on-shift resource offers a general overview, imaging recommendations, management guidelines, and disposition for the most common orthopedic injuries seen in the ED. Use this easy reference to quickly review splinting techniques, reduction tips, and key neurologic exam considerations as well.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the EMRA Ortho Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
EMRA EKG Guide, 2nd edition
Published: July, 2022Rapid, thorough, detailed, concise, and easy...the EMRA EKG Guide, 2nd edition, is a high-yield diagnostic resource that provides advanced insight into critical findings in EKG interpretation. It offers can't-miss tips associated with various readings, helping you make the right decision for every patient, every time.
Member copies are provided in part by an educational grant from Doctors For Emergency Services and the Corballis Fund; EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the EMRA EKG Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
EMRA and ACMT Medical Toxicology Guide, 2nd edition
Published: July, 2022This on-shift guide will help you quickly and effectively treat the poisoned patient, providing clear, concise direction at the bedside. Used in conjunction with your regional poison control center or medical toxicologist, the EMRA and ACMT Medical Toxicology Guide is your first line of defense. The second edition introduces new chapters on vitamin toxicity, household exposures, updated medication-assisted therapy guidance, and more. Member copies are provided in part by an educational grant from BTG International; EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the Toxicology Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
PressorDex®: Critical Care Medication Guide, 5th edition
Published: July, 2024When you're managing critically ill patients, time matters. Make the most of it with EMRA PressorDex®: Critical Care Medication Guide, the best on-shift guide to pressors, vasoactive drugs, continuous infusions, and other medications. This indispensable pocket resource helps you choose the right medication and dosages, even during the busiest ICU shift.
Researched by 100 critical care specialists and pharmacy faculty from 35 institutions around the country, this guide offers evidence-based options you can trust.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the PressorDex app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
EM Fundamentals: The Essential Handbook for Emergency Medicine Residents, 2nd Edition
Published: June, 2021This pocket-size reference manual is stronger than ever, with a new and improved edition. Find quick guides, can't-miss diagnoses, warning signs, and common treatments for a host of conditions you'll encounter on shift in the emergency department.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
EMRA PEM Fundamentals: The Essential Handbook for Pediatric Emergencies
Published: July, 2021Pediatric emergencies can vary widely by age and chief complaint. One thing they all have in common: children are depending on you to make them better. In this guide you will find:
- High-yield history & clinical presentation tips
- Guidance for thorough but focused work-ups
- Decision-making tools to help you manage each patient
This book is best for clinicians working in emergency and community medicine: physicians, PAs, NPs, nurses, off-service rotators, and anyone covering the pediatric ED.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Pain Management Guide, 1st Edition
Published: July, 2020Pain is one of the most prevalent, yet misunderstood, symptoms in emergency medicine. In this guide, the top pain management and palliative care authorities in the field succinctly and clearly present options for effective analgesia. Find opioid alternatives, tips for specific conditions, and more.
BONUS MATERIAL! Our print guide offers top-level guidance for on-shift use, along with QR codes linking to a deeper dive into the research. Plus, you’ll find bonus chapters and continuously updated guidance in the online version.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the EMRA Pain Management Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
Reference Cards
Published: February, 2017EMRA's indispensable pocket reference for the intubation of patients is a must-have resource for every emergency department. This two-sided card is full of information on drips, tube placement, and the Glasgow Coma Scale for treating patients of all ages – from neonates to adults.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Critical Medications
Published: October, 2016This pair of double-sided, badge-sized reference cards will help you make the right decisions quickly when it comes to critical medication dosages. The cards attach to your badge holder for speedy access, bringing key information literally to your fingertips. Please note: Orders include 1 set of badge cards; badge holder NOT included.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Published: July, 2014Emergent delivery? Septic newborn? Confidently handle these less-than-comfortable situations in the emergency department. This practical, two-sided pocket card includes initial vent settings, antibiotic and pressor dosages, neonatal airway pearls, a neonatal resuscitation algorithm, and more.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Pediatric Qwic
Published: May, 2017EMRA’s comprehensive quick-reference card puts indispensable pediatric medical information at your fingertips -- from proper dosages to vital statistics by age. The tri-fold Qwic Card includes pertinent sections for critical care including: toxicology formulas, treatment of DKA, treatment of hyperkalemia, neonatal resuscitation, modified infant GCS score, RSI-pretreatment, RSI-Induction, RSI-paralysis ventilation, pearls, fluids, sedation and analgesia, seizure medication, anaphylaxis, asthma and croup, medication drips, cardiac medication and arrhythmia, antihypertensives and diuretics, antidotes, antibiotics, blood products, and rhythm disturbances (fast, slow, pulseless arrest). Also included is a chart of average vitals and equipment sizes by age (newborn to 12 yrs).
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Ventilator Management
Published: October, 2016The EMRA Ventilator Management card is designed to fit in your pocket and meet your needs when managing patients with acute respiratory failure who require mechanical ventilation. It offers an overview of ARF, non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation modes, ventilator waveforms, troubleshooting, and weaning from the ventilator. Member copies are provided in part by an educational grant from Vapotherm; EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Fellow Kits
EMRA's Fellow Member Kit contains over $171 worth of on-shift publications and reference cards designed to fit in your coat and on your badge holder. These are just a start to the great member benefits and resources EMRA provides.
Also, check out EMRA's mobile apps for Apple and Android devices.
See the EMRA Fellow section to find out more.
EMRA Antibiotic Guide, 21st ed.
Published: July, 2024The EMRA Antibiotic Guide's 21st edition, released in 2024, focuses on stewardship, especially in the case of allergies or sensitivities. Find trusted guidance through this collaboration between EM physicians, pharmacy, and infectious disease experts. You can't go on shift without this incredible resource – and you won't want to. Member copies are provided with help from an educational grant from US Acute Care Solutions. EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the EMRA Antibiotic Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
PressorDex®: Critical Care Medication Guide, 5th edition
Published: July, 2024When you're managing critically ill patients, time matters. Make the most of it with EMRA PressorDex®: Critical Care Medication Guide, the best on-shift guide to pressors, vasoactive drugs, continuous infusions, and other medications. This indispensable pocket resource helps you choose the right medication and dosages, even during the busiest ICU shift.
Researched by 100 critical care specialists and pharmacy faculty from 35 institutions around the country, this guide offers evidence-based options you can trust.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the PressorDex app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
Pain Management Guide, 1st Edition
Published: July, 2020Pain is one of the most prevalent, yet misunderstood, symptoms in emergency medicine. In this guide, the top pain management and palliative care authorities in the field succinctly and clearly present options for effective analgesia. Find opioid alternatives, tips for specific conditions, and more.
BONUS MATERIAL! Our print guide offers top-level guidance for on-shift use, along with QR codes linking to a deeper dive into the research. Plus, you’ll find bonus chapters and continuously updated guidance in the online version.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the EMRA Pain Management Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
EMRA and ACMT Medical Toxicology Guide, 2nd edition
Published: July, 2022This on-shift guide will help you quickly and effectively treat the poisoned patient, providing clear, concise direction at the bedside. Used in conjunction with your regional poison control center or medical toxicologist, the EMRA and ACMT Medical Toxicology Guide is your first line of defense. The second edition introduces new chapters on vitamin toxicity, household exposures, updated medication-assisted therapy guidance, and more. Member copies are provided in part by an educational grant from BTG International; EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the Toxicology Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
Emergency Medicine Advocacy Handbook
Published: April, 2023Health policy plays a critical role in the success of every emergency physician. Be an informed, active advocate for yourself and your patients! EMRA’s Emergency Medicine Advocacy Handbook, 6th ed., will give you the knowledge and context you need to discuss the policy issues affecting the way you practice medicine. Produced with the help of an educational grant from US Acute Care Solutions, this book offers a clear path to becoming a savvy advocate.
Download Nowpdf 4.42 MB
Reference Cards
Critical Medications
Published: October, 2016This pair of double-sided, badge-sized reference cards will help you make the right decisions quickly when it comes to critical medication dosages. The cards attach to your badge holder for speedy access, bringing key information literally to your fingertips. Please note: Orders include 1 set of badge cards; badge holder NOT included.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Published: July, 2014Emergent delivery? Septic newborn? Confidently handle these less-than-comfortable situations in the emergency department. This practical, two-sided pocket card includes initial vent settings, antibiotic and pressor dosages, neonatal airway pearls, a neonatal resuscitation algorithm, and more.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Ventilator Management
Published: October, 2016The EMRA Ventilator Management card is designed to fit in your pocket and meet your needs when managing patients with acute respiratory failure who require mechanical ventilation. It offers an overview of ARF, non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation modes, ventilator waveforms, troubleshooting, and weaning from the ventilator. Member copies are provided in part by an educational grant from Vapotherm; EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Published: February, 2017EMRA's indispensable pocket reference for the intubation of patients is a must-have resource for every emergency department. This two-sided card is full of information on drips, tube placement, and the Glasgow Coma Scale for treating patients of all ages – from neonates to adults.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Pediatric Qwic
Published: May, 2017EMRA’s comprehensive quick-reference card puts indispensable pediatric medical information at your fingertips -- from proper dosages to vital statistics by age. The tri-fold Qwic Card includes pertinent sections for critical care including: toxicology formulas, treatment of DKA, treatment of hyperkalemia, neonatal resuscitation, modified infant GCS score, RSI-pretreatment, RSI-Induction, RSI-paralysis ventilation, pearls, fluids, sedation and analgesia, seizure medication, anaphylaxis, asthma and croup, medication drips, cardiac medication and arrhythmia, antihypertensives and diuretics, antidotes, antibiotics, blood products, and rhythm disturbances (fast, slow, pulseless arrest). Also included is a chart of average vitals and equipment sizes by age (newborn to 12 yrs).
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Alumni Kits
EMRA's Alumni Member Kit contains over $198 worth of on-shift publications and reference cards designed to fit in your coat and on your badge holder. These are just a start to the great member benefits and resources EMRA provides.
Also, check out EMRA's mobile apps for Apple and Android devices.
See the EMRA Alumni section to find out more.
EMRA Antibiotic Guide, 21st ed.
Published: July, 2024The EMRA Antibiotic Guide's 21st edition, released in 2024, focuses on stewardship, especially in the case of allergies or sensitivities. Find trusted guidance through this collaboration between EM physicians, pharmacy, and infectious disease experts. You can't go on shift without this incredible resource – and you won't want to. Member copies are provided with help from an educational grant from US Acute Care Solutions. EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the EMRA Antibiotic Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
EMRA Urgent Care Guide
Published: July, 2021This guide will help clinicians in urgent care clinics streamline the management of nearly any case they encounter on-shift. With 89 chapters, this book ensures setting-appropriate care for a wide range of conditions. Use the clear disposition recommendations to confirm which patients should be sent to the emergency department, who can be discharged with follow-up care by their family doctor, and what requires follow-up with specialists. If you work in a clinic, this resource will help.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
EMRA Ortho Guide
Published: July, 2019Confidently assess and manage fractures, dislocations, and other musculoskeletal injuries in the emergency department with the EMRA Ortho Guide. This on-shift resource offers a general overview, imaging recommendations, management guidelines, and disposition for the most common orthopedic injuries seen in the ED. Use this easy reference to quickly review splinting techniques, reduction tips, and key neurologic exam considerations as well.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the EMRA Ortho Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
EMRA and ACMT Medical Toxicology Guide, 2nd edition
Published: July, 2022This on-shift guide will help you quickly and effectively treat the poisoned patient, providing clear, concise direction at the bedside. Used in conjunction with your regional poison control center or medical toxicologist, the EMRA and ACMT Medical Toxicology Guide is your first line of defense. The second edition introduces new chapters on vitamin toxicity, household exposures, updated medication-assisted therapy guidance, and more. Member copies are provided in part by an educational grant from BTG International; EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the Toxicology Guide app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
PressorDex®: Critical Care Medication Guide, 5th edition
Published: July, 2024When you're managing critically ill patients, time matters. Make the most of it with EMRA PressorDex®: Critical Care Medication Guide, the best on-shift guide to pressors, vasoactive drugs, continuous infusions, and other medications. This indispensable pocket resource helps you choose the right medication and dosages, even during the busiest ICU shift.
Researched by 100 critical care specialists and pharmacy faculty from 35 institutions around the country, this guide offers evidence-based options you can trust.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Check out the app within MobilEM, available for iOS or Android!
Subscribe to the PressorDex app alone, or unlock all current and future content with the All-Access Pass in MobilEM.
Emergency Medicine Advocacy Handbook
Published: April, 2023Health policy plays a critical role in the success of every emergency physician. Be an informed, active advocate for yourself and your patients! EMRA’s Emergency Medicine Advocacy Handbook, 6th ed., will give you the knowledge and context you need to discuss the policy issues affecting the way you practice medicine. Produced with the help of an educational grant from US Acute Care Solutions, this book offers a clear path to becoming a savvy advocate.
Download Nowpdf 4.42 MB
Reference Cards
Critical Medications
Published: October, 2016This pair of double-sided, badge-sized reference cards will help you make the right decisions quickly when it comes to critical medication dosages. The cards attach to your badge holder for speedy access, bringing key information literally to your fingertips. Please note: Orders include 1 set of badge cards; badge holder NOT included.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Published: July, 2014Emergent delivery? Septic newborn? Confidently handle these less-than-comfortable situations in the emergency department. This practical, two-sided pocket card includes initial vent settings, antibiotic and pressor dosages, neonatal airway pearls, a neonatal resuscitation algorithm, and more.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Ventilator Management
Published: October, 2016The EMRA Ventilator Management card is designed to fit in your pocket and meet your needs when managing patients with acute respiratory failure who require mechanical ventilation. It offers an overview of ARF, non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation modes, ventilator waveforms, troubleshooting, and weaning from the ventilator. Member copies are provided in part by an educational grant from Vapotherm; EMRA appreciates their support.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
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