Embrace your first year

Embrace your first year

EMRA Medical Student Forum

The EMRA Medical Student Forum brings together program directors and faculty to answer questions specific to your phase in training. General sessions answer big-picture topics, and breakout sessions per year to target exactly where you are in your training.

When: Saturday, September 6

Live at ACEP25 in Salt Lake City.

FREE to Medical Students!

Information You Can Use

Discover where you fit in and how you can make a difference

Research Resources

Looking for ideas on how to get started, or need funding for a project.


Clinical Apps for EM

Free apps you will use every day!


A monthly audio series - free to EMRA Student members.

Access EM:RAP

TOPIC: "Student Research in Emergency Medicine"

Nicholas Mohr, MD

MS Assistant Fellowship Director, Critical Care Fellowship Clinical Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine University of Iowa Healthcare Carver College of Medicine

Jessica Whittle, PhD, MD, FACEP

Clinical Assistant Professor Director of Research UT College of Medicine Chattanooga

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EMRA Community

When you realize you are where you need to be ...

Sometimes emergency medicine hits too close to home. Sometimes it impacts the amount of time we have with our loved ones and the direction of our lives. In Camerons' case, it did both! Cameron "found his people" because his path crossed with EM in an intimate and emotional manner. #EMRACommunity  #JoinUs Listen as Cameron describes his connection with Emergency Medicine. 

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