Position Description

The American Medical Association (AMA) is the largest association of physicians (both MDs and DOs) and medical students in the United States. The House of Delegates (HOD) is the principal policy-making body of the AMA, comprised of representatives from member organizations. The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) is the only emergency medicine society represented in the AMA-HOD. As of 2014, ACEP was apportioned 5 delegates and 5 alternate delegates as a specialty society, along with 1 delegate and 1 alternate delegate in the Resident and Fellow Section (AMA-RFS). ACEP also has an interest in maintaining a good relationship with the AMA-Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS) and therefore funds the travel of two students to represent Emergency Medicine in the MSS, appointed by the ACEP President as the MSS Delegate and Alternate Delegate.

The AMA holds two meetings each year, the Annual Meeting which is held each June in Chicago, and the Interim Meeting which is held each November in a rotating location. The AMA-MSS portion of the meetings are Thursday through Saturday morning. The AMA-HOD convenes on the Saturday that the AMA-MSS meetings end and adjourns the following Wednesday. The ACEP Delegation meets twice during the AMA-HOD, on Saturday morning and on Monday morning. At a minimum, students would need to be available to attend the AMA-MSS meeting, and prepare a report to present to the ACEP Delegation that Saturday. Airfare, four hotel nights, and five days of per diem expenses are typically funded for the AMA-MSS representatives.

Application Components

The AMA-MSS position will be a one-year appointment. Preference for the primary rep selection will be given to MS3-4 students with EMRA Medical Student Council (MSC) experience. The alternate rep will be encouraged to apply for the primary rep position the following year but are not guaranteed selection. Applicants will be asked to participate in an interview session to ensure competency on current issues facing the emergency medicine specialty.

Please provide information for the following 4 sections. Responses to sections 1-3 should be no longer than one paragraph each. Brevity is appreciated.


Please describe any involvement that you have had with the AMA on a local, state, regional, or national level, especially in terms of leadership positions held, meetings/events attended, resolutions introduced, testimony provided in reference committees or to the AMA House of Delegates.


Please describe your interest in Emergency Medicine, including any leadership positions held, professional organization memberships, preclinical/clinical electives completed.


If you have other experiences that you feel would make you well qualified for this position that doesn’t fit into the two categories above, please describe those as well.


Please include a copy of your CV with the rest of the application requirements.

Submitting Your Application

The application deadline is the same as Medical Student Council Applications.

Use the online application form

Expectations for Position

  1. Before each national AMA meeting, the ACEP Student Representatives to the AMA-MSS will review all resolutions being considered by the MSS; identify resolutions with a potential impact on the practice of emergency medicine; and seek input on those resolutions from ACEP Leadership, the EMRA Board, and the EMRA Medical Student Council.
  2. At each national meeting of the AMA-MSS, the ACEP Student Representatives to the AMA-MSS will deliver testimony on resolutions pertinent to the practice of emergency medicine based upon the collective input received from ACEP Leadership, the EMRA Board, and the EMRA Medical Student Council.
  3. Following the proceedings of the MSS portion of the AMA meeting, before the full AMA House of Delegates session begins, at the first meeting of the Emergency Medicine Council, the ACEP Student Representatives to the AMA-MSS will delivery an extremely brief (approximately 3 minute) oral summary of the MSS session.
  4. At the conclusion of each AMA national meeting, the ACEP Student Representatives to the AMA-MSS will co-author an article to be published in EM Resident in conjunction with the EMRA Speaker or Vice Speaker to inform the EMRA membership about issues that were discussed by the AMA pertinent to the field of emergency medicine.
  5. The AMA-MSS Representatives will also serve on the EMRA Medical Student Council, and participate in all bi-monthly conference calls and the two in-person meetings of the MSC (held in conjunction with SAEM and ACEP annual meetings, typically in May and October). The AMA-MSS Reps will receive the same funding for meeting travel as the other MSC members.


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