Guide for EMRA Elections

Fall 2025 Elected Positions

Congratulations on considering a run for the EMRA Board of Directors. It is one of the most rewarding and most demanding opportunities you'll ever have during residency. By choosing to run, you will be taking on "extra" work in addition to your clinical and administrative duties during residency. There will be significant travel requirements and you will take on major responsibilities for resident advocacy in emergency medicine. In return, you will look back on your time in office as one of the most gratifying and even fun experiences in residency. In addition, you will be well-prepared for future leadership opportunities in emergency medicine. The information below will serve as a guide to learning about EMRA, choosing an office, and running a successful campaign.

EMRA Board 2025 Candidacy Deadline TBD

Odd-Numbered Year Elections:

The Board of Directors functions as the policymaking body of the Emergency Medicine Residents' Association. The board consists of highly motivated individuals who are elected to office by the Representative Council. Members of the Board provide direction for the operational continuity of the organization. The decision to run for office should not be taken lightly, as it is a substantial commitment.

With the exception of the presidency, all offices require a two-year commitment. The office of president is a three-year term. Any EMRA member who is a resident or fellow on the day of elections is eligible to hold office. Board members serve the entirety of their term even if they graduate during that tenure. 

Take time to learn more about EMRA.

There are plenty of resources on our website that will tell you more about the purpose and goals of the organization. This will prove very useful during your campaign.

Investigate potential Board positions.

Again, you can learn about the positions from the website. Generally, each position involves lots of work. As a Board member, you will be representing emergency medicine residents and so much will be asked of you. You should be prepared for tackle this extra work in addition to your responsibilities at your residency. You should realize that it is a significant time commitment.

The Board of Directors appoints several positions, depending on current needs. Examples of appointed positions include the Medical Student Council Chair (MSC) chair, the AMA-RFS representative, an RC-EM representative, and other project-specific appointments.

Review the Board Position Descriptions

Here are a few points about travel:

  1. The entire Board of Directors travels to ACEP's Scientific Assembly (8 days), the January Board Retreat (4 days), and ACEP's Leadership & Advocacy Conference (5 days).
  2. In addition, each position has particular travel requirements. For example, the ACEP Representative travels to all ACEP Board meetings; the Speaker and Vice-Speaker attend the AMA meetings; the Director of Education attends CORD Academic Assembly; etc.
  3. EMRA also holds virtual EMRA Board meetings in every month during which there is no in-person conference. 

Choose a Board position.

It will be absolutely necessary that you talk to the current officer. To fully understand the commitment you are making, you must speak to someone who is currently in office. That is the best way to know what you're getting into. The unsuccessful candidates are easy to pick out. They are often ill-prepared to discuss and convince others they are truly interested in a particular position. By contacting the officers, you will set yourself apart from the other candidates.

Talk to your spouse/significant other about running for office (if applicable). Serving on the EMRA Board is great, but it will eat into your free time. And the spouse/significant other is often the one to bear the brunt. It is critical to have the support and encouragement of this person who will help you during your office. 

Announce your intentions for seeking office.

How do I apply?

  • Call the Officer whom you will be replacing.
  • Set up a meeting with your Program Director and Chief Residents. Another critical step in this process is having the support from your program.
  • Download, sign, and submit Program Support Letter
  • Set up another meeting with your Department Chair. Another layer of support, but this person could also give you valuable advice.
  • Apply Online
    • Letter of Intent - 200 words or less. 
      • Note:  This will be used as your platform statement.
    • Your Curriculum Vitae
    • Photo (preferably professional headshot)
    • Letter of support from your program director


Read the EMRA Strategic Plan.

EMRA Strategic Plan 2022-2026

Learn the EMRA campaign rules

It’s pretty simple. There is no campaigning allowed until the Rep Council meeting. But at this meeting, you can meet and greet voter, and you will deliver the all-important speech.  You are encouraged to participate in all EMRA events and interact with your fellow residents. During the Representative Council meeting you will be allowed to supplement your campaign. This may include supplying handouts, meeting and greeting voters. You will also deliver a speech. The speech will be your three-minute platform to reinforce why you should be elected to represent the membership. After your three-minute speech, you will be presented with a position-specific question and will have two minutes to respond. During your speech and question period no other competing candidates will be present in the meeting room.

Determine a platform from which you will run.

Pick two or three big issues that you will address during your speech that will serve as the basis for your campaign. These big issues should be carefully crafted and research to ensure they are aligned with EMRA’s current mission statement, projects, and strategic plan.

Carefully craft your speech.

You will need to rehearse it many times. Remember, you’re only allowed one opportunity to address the Rep Council, and your campaign will hinge on how well-prepared you are. You must be convincing and confident. I would suggest being very careful with humor - it makes you stand out, but using too much humor can sink your chances quickly. Ask a mentor at your residency to help you in this process.

Win your election!

Choosing to run for EMRA office is not an easy decision. It requires much thought, reflection and a strong desire to make emergency medicine better. Resident in emergency medicine have a unique opportunity not found in any other field of medicine. We can impact our specialty while still in residency and make a better future for our field. And that is the true reward for serving in EMRA.

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