EMRA EMIG of the Year Award
Recognizing outstanding Emergency Medicine Interest Groups (EMIGs) and their student leaders from across the country.
The EMRA EMIG of the Year award was first established during the 2018-19 academic year as a way to highlight the outstanding achievements of the most productive Emergency Medicine Interest Groups (EMIGs) on a regional and national scale. EMRA is full of hardworking EMIG medical student leaders who organize valuable EM-related learning and networking opportunities for their student members, and we believe your efforts deserve to be recognized.
Any EMIG associated with an LCME-accredited allopathic or osteopathic medical school is eligible, as well as EMIGs associated with international medical schools. It is the responsibility of each individual EMIG leadership team to track the events organized by their EMIG throughout the year to maximize your final point total. Use the resources linked below for more information and feel free to contact your regional representative with questions or comments. Good luck!
- Review the EMIG of the Year Description, Criteria, and Submission Instructions to maximize your EMIG’s point total.
- Download a copy of the EMIG Events Tracker template to simplify your EMIG’s event tracking for the year.
- Submit your EMIG of the Year application - Regional and National awards are each determined through the same application.
(Applications open February and are due by May 6)
2023-2024 EMIG of the Year:
University of Pikeville Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine
2020-21 EMIG of the Year:
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine
2020-2021 EMIG of the Year Runner Up:
UNTHSC Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
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