About EMRA

Your life has never been busier, but you’re driven by the need to help others – it’s why you do what you do. We get it because we’ve been there too. You can rely on us to help you every step of the way, so you can easily find the resources, mentors, and connections you need to succeed.

Why do we do it? Because caring about others is who we are, and that means we care about you too.

EMRA is the oldest and largest resident organization in the world. Founded in 1974, we help our 16,000+ resident, medical student, fellow, and alumni members become:

We invite you to join us and support our mission to stand up for the value of EM training & EM residency.

Mission Statement

The Emergency Medicine Residents' Association is the voice of emergency medicine physicians-in-training and the future of our specialty.


November 6, 1974 

Annual Dues

Resident, Fellow, and Student dues include the price of ACEP membership

  • Resident $115**
  • Fellow $115**
  • Medical Student $70**
  • Alumni $109
  • International Resident $70 (EMRA only)
  • International Medical Student $70 (EMRA only)
    (International memberships are electronic resources only; does not include any physically mailed items)

** Plus any applicable ACEP chapter dues


Join EMRA / Renew Membership


Complete the online application.


A former EMRA resident or international member can continue their EMRA experience.


Members must be interns, residents or fellows who are in training in emergency medicine or critical care. Medical students (allopathic and osteopathic) are encouraged to join the Association. Membership eligibility extends after completion of a residency or fellowship with the Alumni category of membership.


Regular members (interns, residents, fellows, and alumni) and candidate members (students) must also be members of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP).


The Association is directed by a thirteen-member resident Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consists of four officers (President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President/Treasurer, Secretary); the Speaker and Vice Speaker of the Council; five at-large directors, and two ex-officio members (ACGME RC-EM Representative, and EMRA Rep to the AMA). The Board of Directors (except for the ex-officio members) is elected by the membership at the fall Representative Council Meeting.

EMRA Headquarters
1601 Utica Ave S, Ste 213
Minneapolis, MN 55416

Contact Information
866.566.2492 Toll Free

Copies of EMRA’s 990 tax filings are available upon request to emra@emra.org

Holiday Schedule

The EMRA office will be closed the following days in 2024:

  • New Year's Day - Monday, January 1
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Monday, January 15
  • Memorial Day – Monday, May 27
  • Fourth of July – Thursday, July 4
  • Labor Day – Monday, September 2
  • Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 21
  • Day after Thanksgiving – Friday, November 22
  • Christmas Eve – Tuesday, December 24
  • Christmas Day – Wednesday, December 25

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