2024 Social EM Committee Leader Spotlight
Molly Curtiss, DO, Chair of the EMRA Social EM Committee, 2024
Program: University of Arizona South Campus
Your goal as an EMRA leader: As Chair-Elect of the Social EM committee, my goal is to learn how to become the best leader I can be while helping medical students and residents learn more about the social issues that impact their patients, and help give them the tools to make changes in their patients lives and their own communities.
What is something people don't know about you? My older sister and I have the same birthday. She is exactly one year older than me.
Favorite life hack for night shifts: Bring lots of snacks!
Alessandra Della Porta, Chair-Elect of the EMRA Social EM Committee, 2024
Program: University of Cincinnati
Why did you get involved in a professional society? EMRA has been a part of my professional life dating back to my first year of medical school. It has provided me with boundless opportunities for personal growth, mentorship and career advice. In addition to the professional benefits, personally, I have made friendships that have lasted for years with leaders in emergency medicine across the county.
What is something people don't know about you? I am an identical twin and she is also a resident!
If you weren't an emergency physician, what would you be? I would love to run a second hand store, buying and selling clothes, housewares and other goods.
Favorite life hack for night shifts: A huge breakfast :)
What is the last non-textbook you read? Wanderers by Chuck Wending
Meg Hayslip, Vice Chair of the EMRA Social EM Committee, 2024
Program: UAB Heersink School of Medicine
Your goal as an EMRA leader: My goal is to create an environment to allow medical students and residents to come together to learn to identify and address social determinants of health to create a more equitable healthcare experience.
Why did you get involved in a professional society? I wanted to join a group of individuals with shared passions from across the country so that we can learn from each other and better serve our communities.
Darrow Traylor, MD, Vice Chair of the EMRA Social EM Committee, 2024
Program: Advocate Christ Medical Center
Your goal as an EMRA leader: My goal is to increase the presence of EMRA within the community. I wish to also connect the virtues for which the organization represents, with the communities that need these virtues realized the most.
Why did you get involved in a professional society? I want to be a visible leader of action and part of a collective who are like-minded across the country.
Favorite channel on social media? @Cookinginthemidwest TikTok
Nikkole Joy Turgeon, MD, Vice Chair of the EMRA Social EM Committee, 2022-2023
Program: Boston Medical Center
Your goal as an EMRA leader: My goal is to work to foster a sense of personal and professional responsibility in our field so we all may act as socially responsible EM physicians, thereby advancing equitable solutions that will improve patient care and experiences.
What is the best advice you have ever received? Stop doing things because you think it will look good on a resume, only dedicate your time to things that you are passionate about, that refills your cup, and that keeps you motivated
What is something people don't know about you? I'm the first in my family to graduate college and the first doctor
If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: Anthropologist or Botanist
Haley Furman, MD, MS, Asst. Vice Chair of the EMRA Social EM Committee, 2024
Program: Creighton/Maricopa
Your goal as an EMRA leader: To provide resources/education that will help improve care for diverse patient populations.
If I weren't an emergency physician, I would be: Firefighter
What is the last non-textbook you read? Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
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