Browsing: Clinical

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The vague presentation of abdominal pain can lead you down many differential pathways. When combined with sudden or rapid weight loss, it can point to 2 rare syndromes caused by compression. Review th
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The EMRA Critical Care Committee's Roadblock series is the resuscitationist's guide to overcoming the obstacles in the normal algorithm of critically ill patients. Through this series, we will ask the
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We present a case of bradycardia and dyspnea in an otherwise healthy young male found to have EKG abnormalities inclusive of third-degree heart block. The culprit? Lyme disease.
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Penile calciphylaxis is a harbinger of looming mortality, indicating need for a clear goals of care discussion.
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Vague neurologic symptoms, including impaired speech, can be difficult to diagnose and – for female patients – dismissed as behavioral. But commonly prescribed medications such as SSRIs may be a cause
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To be a border physician is to be confronted daily with the human consequences of a failed immigration policy. Our specialty has long operated as a band-aid for the policy-driven effects we see daily.
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Acute, persistent headache in a pediatric patient with no recent trauma can have a broad differential and, in most cases, should raise red flags. This case demonstrates the evaluation and management o
Morel-Lavallée lesions are serious injuries that can easily escape diagnosis, typically in the wake of high-velocity trauma. Untreated, MLLs can become a chronic condition with a risk of developing in
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Babesiosis can present with a varied clinical presentation, which can make it difficult to diagnose. However, one uncommon clue could be picked up on an ECG.
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Millions of people come to the emergency department each year suffering migraine or other acute headaches; often, the pain is difficult to manage. But the literature shows the greater occipital nerve