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The best treatment for heat-related illnesses is public education and prevention. How can you help from your ED?
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Knowing the differences between the pediatric and adult ECG will help you distinguish potentially life-threatening abnormalities from a normal pediatric ECG.
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As EMRA prepared for its 45th anniversary in the year ahead, we honor our roots and look forward to building on those accomplishments.
Phone calls and letters from physicians significantly cut future emergency visits
In the Program Director Interview Series, Andrew Perron, MD, shares what makes Maine Medical Center Emergency Medicine Residency Program unique.
In the Program Director Interview Series, David Snow, MD, shares what makes Loyola Emergency Medicine Residency Program unique.
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Can the use of hydrocortisone plus fludrocortisone and/or drotrecogin alfa improve clinical outcomes in patients with septic shock?
Medicaid managed care reduces disparities in preventable ED visits in Florida.