Hemodialysis is the definitive modality of lithium clearance in severe toxicity. In early overdose, however, whole bowel irrigation may prevent lithium absorption and subsequent toxicity if mental sta
Among U.S. hospitals, the proportion of leadership roles occupied by medically trained professionals is decreasing. But it's important to have physicians in administration - so it's important for resi
Hydrofluoric acid is found in a variety of products and used in multiple industries, so exposure, while not exceedingly common, is not rare. Know how to treat HF toxicity and prevent contamination amo
The most common cause of torsades de pointes is acquired prolongation in the QT interval because of medication. Treating it may require pharmacologic pacing or, in some circumstances, mechanical pacin
Although asphyxiant exposure is a relatively uncommon phenomenon, it is important to keep in mind when evaluating an altered patient or a patient who has been found down, particularly in industrial or
During residency you refine the habits that will underpin the quality of your care, job satisfaction, and career progression. Consider some advice based on 36 years of emergency medicine practice in b