Browsing: Urology

49-1 Intraperitoneal Bladder Rupture.png
Bladder rupture is a relatively rare condition due to the protection of the bladder in the bony pelvis; most cases of bladder rupture are intraperitoneal. But a small percentage are intraperitoneal r
49-1 Female Hypospadias.png
Female hypospadias is an exceedingly rare congenital anomaly that can cause obstructive acute urinary retention in a few isolated cases.
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Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a rare diagnosis in the ED but can be life-threatening. Symptoms can be non-specific, making diagnosis more difficult. Proper, expeditious imaging can make all the diff
Scrotal Hernia - web.jpg
Hernias with loss of domain are often a consequence of poor access to surgical care and require extensive planning and management. This case of scrotal hernia illustrates how health care disparities a
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Purple urine bag syndrome, first reported in 1978, is a subset of catheter-associated urinary tract infection.
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It is important to consider that acute urinary retention can be a subtle clue of a neurologic process warranting emergent CT imaging to rule out vertebral fracture and MRI to rule out spinal cord comp
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Pediatric patients with abdominal pain and dysuria - even older children - may be suffering the effects of infected urachal remnants. How can you treat this condition?
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Penile emergencies are infrequent, painful for the patient, and difficult to simulate for practice in advance. But saving life and "limb" is why we all became emergency physicians.
46-1 Necrotizing Fasciitis - Figure 3.png
Fournier's gangrene is a rare, life-threatening condition with a high mortality rate. Save a life by knowing the signs and the most effective interventions.
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Abdominal pain is not an uncommon presentation - but in this case it revealed an unusual diagnosis.