Bladder rupture is a relatively rare condition due to the protection of the bladder in the bony pelvis; most cases of bladder rupture are intraperitoneal. But a small percentage are intraperitoneal r
Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a rare diagnosis in the ED but can be life-threatening. Symptoms can be non-specific, making diagnosis more difficult. Proper, expeditious imaging can make all the diff
Hernias with loss of domain are often a consequence of poor access to surgical care and require extensive planning and management. This case of scrotal hernia illustrates how health care disparities a
It is important to consider that acute urinary retention can be a subtle clue of a neurologic process warranting emergent CT imaging to rule out vertebral fracture and MRI to rule out spinal cord comp
Pediatric patients with abdominal pain and dysuria - even older children - may be suffering the effects of infected urachal remnants. How can you treat this condition?
Penile emergencies are infrequent, painful for the patient, and difficult to simulate for practice in advance. But saving life and "limb" is why we all became emergency physicians.
Fournier's gangrene is a rare, life-threatening condition with a high mortality rate. Save a life by knowing the signs and the most effective interventions.