Browsing: Clinical

Flood syndrome is defined as a spontaneous rupture of an umbilical hernia leading to sudden loss of ascitic fluid. It is a rare condition that carries a high mortality rate.
Does triage create a bias that might contribute to mis-diagnosis? The Health Policy Journal Club evaluates a recent study of the Emergency Severity Index.
A 64-year-old male with past medical history of HTN, CAD, and prior MI presents due to substernal chest pain. What is your interpretation of his ECG?
Sustainability Anchor Art.jpg
In the ED, simple cost-effective interventions leading to small-scale success toward sustainability are excellent starting points to establish environmental accountability beginning at the department
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The ever-growing frequency of patients presenting to the emergency department with fentanyl overdoses — and fentanyl’s surging presence in cocaine and other black-market drugs — demands that we, as em
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Migrants are vulnerable to various tropical diseases as they traverse regions enroute to the United States. These diseases include malaria, mosquito-borne arboviruses, and helminth diseases. The congr
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Tension pneumocephalus — which can result from air accumulation under pressure within the skull cavity — is a potentially fatal condition and may require emergency surgery. It is difficult to diagnose
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Clonidine is a widely available drug and has been seen as the culprit in an increased number of intentional and accidental overdoses. Symptoms of toxicity include hypertension or hypotension, bradycar
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Anaphylaxis is a true and potentially life-threatening emergency. Understanding that this condition has broader diagnostic criteria than are commonly recognized will help with early recognition and tr
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Poor health literacy is one of the most common social determinants of health that we encounter daily in the ED. Limited health literacy results in higher rates of morbidity and mortality and increases