Browsing: Clinical

When managing acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema, how do the outcomes differ between high-flow nasal cannula and noninvasive ventilation?
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Fournier’s gangrene is a surgical emergency. Time to surgical intervention is the most significant modifiable risk factor for mortality in these necrotizing infections, and early intervention can halv
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When I (lead author Irbert L. Vega, MD) went to the Dominican Republic for my global EM elective, I suddenly found myself in an environment where POCUS was still a nascent technology instead of a stan
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ECPR continues to show promising results for patients undergoing cardiac arrest. CARL technology implements a new design that provides comprehensive monitoring and multimodal therapy to address the un
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External ventricular drain placement is often considered a lifesaving measure to alleviate severe hydrocephalus or elevated intracranial pressure. This paper reviews current guidelines and steps for p
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Although MRI is the gold standard for diagnosing complete QTR, this is not always practical in the ED. POCUS is a time-efficient, economical approach to assessing acute knee injuries, especially when
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Effective pain management is challenging under any circumstances, particularly for patients presenting to the ED with painful injuries. Many factors contribute to how patients experience and manage pa
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Alpha-gal syndrome may affect around 450,000 individuals in the United States. The incidence is expected to rise, likely due to climate changes favoring the expansion of tick populations. A recent stu
The EMRA Simulation Research Grant allowed me to implement a multiyear pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) study that evaluates the effectiveness, usability, and workload implications of cognitive aids
In the United States, 50% of health care costs are accumulated by only 5% of the population. To curb spending, programs have been developed to improve outcomes in patients with high health care use. B