Approximately 25% of patients with NSTEMI have an acute coronary occlusion; the STEMI/NSTEMI paradigm can be misleading. Serial ECGs are invaluable in making the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome,
Nonconvulsive status epilepticus has traditionally been thought of as a rare condition. There is little data regarding its true incidence, but evidence suggests it is far more common than once believe
The ultrasound-guided stellate ganglion block may be used as an adjunct to established methods during pulseless ventricular arrhythmias. It is a potentially lifesaving procedure that is within the eme
SGLT-2 inhibits can cause massive osmotic diuresis and intravascular volume depletion. The body’s appropriate response to this is production of antidiuretic hormone, an excess of which is capable of c
BRASH syndrome is an uncommon but often fatal condition in which an acute renal injury initiates a vicious cycle of bradycardia, hyperkalemia, hypotension and worsening renal failure in patients who t
Septic cardiomyopathy (colloquially known as septic heart) lacks formal criteria, but emergency physicians should be aware of generally accepted clinical signs. Awareness of septic cardiomyopathy as a
Evidence surrounding the benefits of post-arrest hypothermia has been conflicting, but it continues to be the standard of care per international guidelines. The TTM2 Trial adds to the data.
Lyme disease is one of the most common vector-borne diseases in the United States, affecting over 300,000 people annually between June and December. This case report describes a less common cardiac ma