Pacemaker malfunctions are a not-infrequent reason for an emergency department evaluation. As a result, there is a wide differential into the underlying potential etiologies.
The HEART score is a go-to tool in assessing the risk of an acute coronary syndrome. But in this case, a score of 3 did not mean the 29-year-old patient was safe.
Can you distinguish between an abnormal EKG and a cardiac device malfunction at a glance, recall common pacer codes, or identify pacemaker problems on an X-ray? As the use of cardiac devices increases
Ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysms are almost uniformly fatal. What can you do to provide the early detection and treatment that can offer hope of survival?
A 44-year-old male presents to the ED with intermittent chest pain for 2 weeks, worse with exertion, and resolves with rest. He is currently symptom free. What is your interpretation of his EKG?
Knowing the differences between the pediatric and adult ECG will help you distinguish potentially life-threatening abnormalities from a normal pediatric ECG.
Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) remains a major cause of cardiovascular disease in developing nations. However, in industrialized nations with routine access to vaccines and antibiotics to treat Group A