Browsing: Airway

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Critical Care Alert: The PREPARE II trial investigated whether a fluid bolus would impact cardiovascular collapse in critically ill patients undergoing intubation.
Currently, there are no definitive guidelines or robust clinical evidence on which to base the duration of CPR in pediatric drowning cases. However, we make the case that in select drowning patients,
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The emergent airway is central to emergency medicine. And a new study explores medications central to emergency endotracheal intubation. Which is better: etomidate or ketamine?
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Endotracheal intubation is one of the most high-stakes and critical procedures we as emergency physicians perform. Because there are fundamental differences between airway management under emergent an
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ED intubations are typically carried out using rapid sequence intubation (RSI), utilizing both a sedative agent and neuromuscular blocking agent. What are the indications and complications of opting f
When patients with sepsis are mechanically ventilated, which sedation leads to better outcomes: dexmedetomidine or propofol?
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Tracheobronchial injury is a rare, but potentially life-threatening, complication of neck trauma. One bad hand of poker led to a 1-in-30,000 case presentation.
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There are many perspectives available and early data to guide management of COVID-19 patients who present with respiratory failure. This article will review practice-altering data and the approach use
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The year of 2019 ushered in an abundance of interesting, practice-informing, and excellently conducted research regarding airway and peri-intubation management that is potentially applicable to the em
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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a life-threatening form of respiratory failure characterized by massive inflammation leading to pulmonary edema, decruitment of alveoli, and hypoxemia. De