Browsing: Airway

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More evidence is stacking up in favor of video laryngoscopy. The DEVICE Trial shows that when intubating critically ill patients in the ED or ICU, consider using video over direct laryngoscopy to impr
The EXTUB-OBESE study showed a decrease in extubation failure rates when extubating to non-invasive ventilation for obese patients vs. standard oxygen therapy.
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Emergent intubation requires critical thinking and precision. The same level of care should be extended to managing post-intubation sedation. This summary explores the most commonly used analgesics an
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Heated high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) is capable of delivering 100% humidified and heated oxygen at higher flow rates, providing important support for patients with respiratory distress. Learn more ab
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Consider delayed sequence intubation with ketamine in trauma patients requiring emergent airway intervention, as a 2023 study shows it was associated with a reduction in the incidence of peri-intubati
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Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is the delivery of ventilatory support and positive pressure into the lungs without the need for an invasive endotracheal or tracheostomy tube. This su
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Overall, laryngospasm is rare. When it does occur, it almost always resolves with simple interventions such as pressure to Larson’s notch and assisted positive pressure ventilation. Supplemental oxyge
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The bag-valve-mask (BVM) is ubiquitous and highly utilized in all fields of emergency care. Yet despite its seemingly intuitive operation and perceived simplicity, the BVM is an overlooked and misunde
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How many of your patients can recall events during what you believed was a sedated endotracheal intubation? This study finds an appreciable number of patients who are paralyzed for intubation in the e
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Tracheostomies are a common surgical procedure for long-term airway management that involves creating a permanent connection between the anterior neck and trachea. Complications occur in up to 50% of