Confirmation of Endotracheal Intubation with Bedside US
A 45-year-old female is brought into your emergency department after cardiac arrest. A quick history from her husband reveals they recently ret
The Pediatric Airway
Clinical Scenario You are working an overnight shift at a single-coverage emergency department, when EMS calls ahead with a pediatric medical alert. They are three minutes out wi
Opinions and History on Laryngoscopy
As Kleenex ® has evolved to relate to facial tissue, video laryngoscopy (VL) has become a descriptor for any use of a laryngoscope device with a video camera on i
Foreign-Body Aspiration: A Pediatric Airway Emergency
Foreign-body aspirations are potential life-threatening emergencies and are the leading causes of unintentional injury in children less than one
Post-Intubation Hemodynamic Collapse in the Critically Ill Patient
In patients with multiple comorbidities or severe underlying heart disease, ETI may precipitate cardiac ischemia or dysrhythmia lead