Browsing: Advancement of EM

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Emergency medicine is a specialty that answers the call to serve, be on the frontlines, and step up to challenges. Due to deep inequities embedded within this country's history, we must address the de
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With levels of COVID increasing globally, the full impact of the pandemic on the mental health of frontline workers is still to be determined. This study sought to assess emergency medicine (EM) physi
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In a year ravaged by a global pandemic and uncertainty, three EMRA physicians-in-training were selected for the unique opportunity to be 2020 EMRA/EDPMA Scholars.
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The emergency department observation unit (EDOU) is a specialized unit designed for efficient, ongoing medical treatment, assessment, and reassessment of patients before the decision can be made to di
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Every year in the United States, approximately 500,000 patients request to be discharged against medical advice. This can lead to poor outcomes for the patient, ethical turmoil for the physician, and
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Prehospital imaging modalities have the potential to change the way we deliver prehospital care. However, the cost effectiveness of equipping EMS with portable imaging modalities has yet to be seen.
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Telemedicine may have the potential to modulate health care utilization and costs on a grand scale. The application of telemedicine is being explored as an alternative way of delivering care without i
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Emergency departments across the United States have been plagued with overcrowding. In 2006 the U.S. Institute of Medicine declared crowding a national epidemic. Despite well-documented detrimental ef
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The year of 2019 ushered in an abundance of interesting, practice-informing, and excellently conducted research regarding airway and peri-intubation management that is potentially applicable to the em
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As providers on the front line in the emergency department, resident physicians need to pause and understand the process of petitioning patients for psychiatric placement, as this is essential to bett