Administration & Operations, Awards

EMRA & EDPMA Scholarship: A Worthy Investment

In a year ravaged by a global pandemic and uncertainty, three EMRA physicians-in-training were selected for the unique opportunity to be 2020 EMRA/EDPMA Scholars.

EDPMA, the Emergency Department Practice Management Association, is a passionate leader for emergency care. EDPMA's members help deliver emergency care for nearly 150 million ED visits per year, which equates to roughly half of all ED visits throughout the country. Through advocacy, engagement, and networking opportunities, the 2020 EMRA/EDPMA Scholars successfully cultivated a meaningful professional experience.

EDPMA Federal Health Policy Committee: Nicholas Cozzi, MD, MBA

48-1 EDPMA - Nick Cozzi.pngBeing a member of the EDPMA Federal Health Policy Committee during a global pandemic was a unique and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Federal Health Policy Committee strategically pursued advocacy initiatives that impacted emergency care for millions of patients. From COVID-19 reimbursement to surprise medical billing, the committee thoughtfully charted a course that navigated political uncertainties and economical realities. The committee advocated for EMTALA waivers for off-site COVID testing and for emergency medicine physician groups’ access to meaningful financial reimbursement in the 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. More than anything, liaising with and learning from emergency physician champions and leaders from the reimbursement and revenue cycle management specialty made this experience invaluable. As a future EMS Fellow with the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) and Northwell Health, I am eager to stay involved with EDPMA. I highly recommend this opportunity to any EMRA member eager to learn more about emergency medicine advocacy and practice management.

EDPMA State Regulatory and Insurance: Tehreem Rehman, MD, MPH

48-1 EDPMA - Tehreem Rehman.pngBeing an EMRA/EDPMA scholar this past year was an invaluable experience. I learned a tremendous amount about the active role the organization is taking to protect emergency medicine practice, particularly during these difficult times. EDPMA has worked hard to support emergency physicians in caring for an increasingly uninsured population with strategies such as conducting presumptive charity screening for self-pay patients. 

EDPMA has consistently developed tools to optimize emergency practice for this pandemic as well as any other critical access crisis. Specifically, they have addressed preparation for COVID-19 rebound, rotation of telemedicine, cost containment, and alternative service lines. In addition to supporting emergency physicians directly, I was part of the committee that specifically helped inform legislation such as on the state telehealth insurance coverage model.

Legal advocacy efforts included a thorough evaluation of existing legislation such as state out-of-network laws. This evaluation was subsequently utilized to support or oppose state-based legislation in a targeted and strategic manner. The project gave me incredible insight into the level of impact state legislation has on daily clinical practice, even though the focus is often placed on federal legislation. For instance, when legislation was proposed by the Michigan Senate committee, EDPMA responded with specific requests for amendments, such as requiring insurers to reimburse providers directly and allowing batching of similar claims for similar services.

Ultimately, my experience as an EMRA/EDPMA scholar was very informative, and I would recommend any training emergency physician to pursue this opportunity to learn more about optimizing their practice within a constantly evolving legal landscape. 

EDPMA Quality, Coding and Documentation Committee Member – Allen Chang, MD

48-1 EDPMA - Allen Chang.jpgEMRA member knowledge of and operational awareness of the major entities within emergency medicine advocacy and reimbursement are essential for newer emergency medicine residency graduates. As an EMRA member and current EMS fellow at Harbor/UCLA, I believe emergency medicine trainees need to maintain knowledge and working proficiency of current coding and documentation essentials.

The opportunity to be an EMRA/EDPMA Scholar was invaluable for the 2020 Class. We strongly encourage all EMRA members to consider applying for a future class and looking into EDPMA's newest fellowship opportunity to work at a deeper level with the organization for one year. Of note, EDPMA is offering its unique and high-value programming at a discount for EMRA members. EDPMA is also charging EMRA members half the cost for attending the 2021 Solutions Summit.* 

*To access the EMRA discount to EDPMA events, please contact

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Learn more about the Emergency Department Practice Management Association at


Become an EMRA/EDPMA Scholar or Fellow! Awards are given each year; find application details and deadlines at

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