Browsing: Advancement of EM

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We're pleased to introduce Nicholas Stark, MD, MBA, vice chair of the EMRA Admin & Ops Committee, 2020-2021.
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We're pleased to introduce Sandra Coker, vice chair of the EMRA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, 2020-2021.
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We're pleased to introduce Arthur J. Pope, MD, PhD, vice chair of the EMRA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, 2020-2021.
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We're pleased to introduce Jeremy Collado, MD, vice chair of the EMRA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, 2020-2021.
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We're pleased to introduce Jessica Faiz, MD, chair of the EMRA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, 2020-2021.
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We're pleased to introduce Tatiana Carrillo, DO, MS, chair-elect of the EMRA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, 2020-2021.
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We're pleased to introduce Phillip Tseng, MD, MBA, MEd, vice chair of the EMRA Admin & Ops Committee, 2020-2021.
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We're pleased to introduce Nick Cozzi, MD, MBA, chair-elect of the EMRA Admin & Ops Committee, 2020-2021.
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We're pleased to introduce Andrew Luo, assistant vice chair of the EMRA Admin & Ops Committee, 2020-2021.
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We're pleased to introduce Jared Ditkowsky, MD, assistant vice chair of the EMRA Admin & Ops Committee, 2020-2021.