Rapid Research Review: Power
Power Recall that Type I error is the probability of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis (H0) based on our sample even though H0 is true in the population. Alternative
Taking the Plunge: Lessons from ACEP's EMBRS Workshop
Interested in pursuing a fellowship that will require research? Better yet, interested in a career in emergency medicine research? ACEP's Emergen
Bridging the Gap: Gender and Leadership in Emergency Medicine
Emergency medicine (EM) residents face many time constraints: long work hours, endless emails, reading lists, research requirements, and
Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Medicine
As our country grows more diverse, tackling health disparities is imperative to improving patient outcomes. After all, human experiences and cultural per
Driving the Evolution of EM
Recently I had the pleasure of attending the EMRA Medical Student Symposium, a collaboration between EMRA and Ohio ACEP. At this student-centric event in Columbus, Ohio, I
Rapid Research Review: PPV and NPV
An Initiative of the EMRA Research Committee Terms Positive Predictive Value (PPV): The probability that a positive test result predicts disease Negative Predictive
Top Research Articles of 2015
EMRA's Research Committee is pleased to present the Top Research Articles of 2015. EMRA Committees and Divisions selected the leading 2-3 journal articles in their fiel
Rapid Research Review: Sensitivity and Specificity
An Initiative of the EMRA Research Committee Terms Sensitivity: Ability of a test to detect a disease when it is present Specificity: Ability of a t
Diversifying Emergency Medicine
The Importance of a Diverse Physician Workforce In 2015, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) released a report highlighting that the number of black ma
Looking at the Past, Stepping into the Future
The St. Louis International Film Festival recently featured EMRA's Emmy Award-winning documentary 24/7/365: The Evolution of Emergency Medicine. In this