Browsing: Advancement of EM

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Overcrowding in the emergency department can be a significant barrier to delivering efficient and high-quality care, but the impact on delivering equitable health care is less commonly discussed. Imp
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In traditional ED flow models, patients who arrive via EMS often experience similar prolonged door-to-bed, door-to-doctor, and ED length-of-stay times as walk-in patients. Rutgers New Jersey Medical S
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"Wanna write that up?" Not many phrases in emergency medicine can induce as much anxiety as these four innocuous words. These 10 steps can help you overcome that anxiety and get published.
The new EMRA Administration & Operations Committee focuses on the science of monitoring, managing, and improving processes and on delivering high-quality, efficient services or products to consumers.
EMRA Journal Club: Intravenous Lidocaine for ED Patients with Renal Colic Renal colic affects 12% of people worldwide and recurs at a rate of 50%.1 First line therapy for management of pain associate
Journal Club for Dummies: How Not to Be Intimidated by Evidence-Based Medicine Have you ever looked at a journal club article and felt overwhelmed? You are not alone! Many residents are in the same b
What's the T? Caring for Transgender Individuals in the Emergency Department Recently, I had my first experience caring for a transgender patient in the emergency department. The patient's chief comp
Rapid Research Review: Data Sets and Summary Indexes Olga Kovalerchik, MD, Emergency Medicine Resident, EMRA Research Committee, Vice-Chair, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT You've just finishe
Rapid Research Review: More Study Types More Study Types Case Series This is used when the objective is to describe and find patterns related to a particular disease/problem. Case series are useful f
Rapid Research Review: Study Types Case-Control (“What happened?”) Compares a group with a disease to a group without disease.  This study can calculate an odds ratio. Advantages: many exposures can