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EMRA’s Technology, Telehealth, and Informatics Committee will launch quarterly clinical informatics workshops with ACEP this fall. The Committee spoke with Carrie Baker, DO, chair of ACEP’s Informatic
As emergency physicians, it is imperative to understand how environmental factors affect our practice of medicine. Climate change and its effects can feel daunting and out of our control; however, we
Behind typhoid fever and urinary tract infections, cat-scratch disease is the third most common cause of fever of unknown origin in pediatric patients. CSD should be high on the diagnostic radar whene
A 27-year-old male with a PMH of seizure disorder and developmental delay presents via EMS after a witnessed seizure. The patient was able to intermittently go into sinus rhythm with vagal maneuvers.
Although burnout and mental health challenges can be driven by a multitude of diverse triggers, this crisis among healthcare providers needs to be assessed on various organizational levels to develop
Acute limb ischemia — a thromboembolic condition that occurs when arterial supply to the affected extremity becomes critically compromised — is a devastating condition if not expediently recognized an
Emergency medicine is, and will continue to be, an amazing specialty because of the patients we serve, the people we work with (which, hopefully, will include you), and our willingness to be there for
It is important to consider West Nile Virus as a major cause of neuroinvasive disease and acute flaccid paralysis. If a febrile, altered patient comes into the ED with focal neurological deficits, it
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EMRA strives to help you be the best doctor and leader you can be, helping to make emergency medicine the best specialty it can be. These outstanding physicians and trainees have gone an extra mile -
Studies are showing that Medicaid expansion - and its resulting increased access to primary care - could help alleviate emergency department crowding and ensure the department is able to focus on pati