Browsing: Clinical

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Critical Care Alert: The triage of patients in the trauma bay is difficult, and no single measurement or vital sign will provide sufficient information for mortality. This study indicates ETCO2 - a co
Pneumocephalus, defined as air present in the intracranial area, is a known complication of accessing the epidural space. Patients with pneumocephalus can have a wide-ranging presentation from benign
At toxic doses, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) cause blockade of sodium channels, muscarinic receptors, and alpha-adrenergic receptors. Slowed ventricular contraction, tachycardia, and vasodilation
Just as there are two sides to every coin, some medical literature supports taking patients’ orthostatic vitals when they present to the ED with syncope, lightheadedness, and vertigo; other literature
Compassion and a focus on comfort are keys when delivering end-of-life care in the ED.
Neurogenic pulmonary edema, associated with high mortality, can occur after any neurologic insult and is best addressed by controlling intracranial pressure.
EMRA’s Technology, Telehealth, and Informatics Committee will launch quarterly clinical informatics workshops with ACEP this fall. The Committee spoke with Carrie Baker, DO, chair of ACEP’s Informatic
Behind typhoid fever and urinary tract infections, cat-scratch disease is the third most common cause of fever of unknown origin in pediatric patients. CSD should be high on the diagnostic radar whene
A 27-year-old male with a PMH of seizure disorder and developmental delay presents via EMS after a witnessed seizure. The patient was able to intermittently go into sinus rhythm with vagal maneuvers.
Acute limb ischemia — a thromboembolic condition that occurs when arterial supply to the affected extremity becomes critically compromised — is a devastating condition if not expediently recognized an