Browsing: EMbark

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For those medical students who didn't get the hoped-for news of matching on Monday, we've gathered all the links for key advice in the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program hosted by the NRMP, AAM
How, if at all, can a student overcome being placed in the lower 1/3 tier of the SLOE rank system? This question was asked to EM program directors across the nation, and we now have some objective dat
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Future physician-astronauts, here’s a new opportunity that’s right up your alley — UCLA’s Space Medicine Fellowship. EMRA’s Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Committee gets a first-hand look with the
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You’re in your final year of residency, and the light at the end of the residency tunnel is inching closer and closer. You’ve traveled long and far on a road with twists and turns and bumps and dips a