The use of inhalants can lead to classic findings in the emergency department, but don’t forget to perform a thorough skin exam in any patient experiencing the effects of huffing.
In this case report, a common, very non-specific complaint of nausea/vomiting leads to a rare diagnosis of noncompaction cardiomyopathy in a young adult. Learn how to catch this condition, despite its
Occlusion of the Artery of Percheron leading to isolated bilateral thalamic infarcts is a rare and difficult diagnosis in emergency medicine. Learn the symptoms that can help keep it top of mind.
Emergency medicine may be more than half a century old in the United States, but it is still in its infancy in many countries. New York Presbyterian Queens offers educational outreach to Norway, helpi
Post-MI ventricular septal rupture is a rare but life-threatening complication. Prompt diagnosis and surgical intervention are crucial for improving outcomes. This case highlights the speed, sensitivi
See how a case of unexplained, worsening pain and swelling in a bounceback patient was solved with bedside ultrasound and a thorough history that revealed social determinant red flags.
Another season of audition rotations is on the horizon. Try a 4-H approach: humble, helpful, hungry (for knowledge), hepatocytic (absorbing new things).