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EMRA is pleased to welcome the newest members and representatives to the EMRA Board of Directors. Get to know your Director of Leadership Development: Derek Martinez.
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Pneumoparotid/pneumoparotitis is an uncommon cause of parotid gland swelling classified by free air seen within the parotid glands. Typically, swelling of the parotid glands can be attributed to infec
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The bag-valve-mask (BVM) is ubiquitous and highly utilized in all fields of emergency care. Yet despite its seemingly intuitive operation and perceived simplicity, the BVM is an overlooked and misunde
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In the latest installment of our PD Q&A series, we are highlighting the Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency at Massachusetts General in Boston. We spoke with the current PD, Daniel J. Egan
Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States. An analysis shows that Medicaid expansion can help avert suicide by overcoming financial barriers to mental health care.
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EM Resident continued to pull in readers both online and in print this past year. With their eyes on papers about A-line placements and STEMI equivalents to the ever-popular Advanced Critical Care U
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Spontaneous (non-traumatic) intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is associated with high patient morbidity and mortality. In this Critical Care Alert, we review a study designed to assess whether prophylact
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In the latest installment of our PD Q&A series, we are highlighting the University of Louisville EM residency in Louisville, KY. We spoke with the current PD, Isaac Shaw, MD, in 2022 about what makes
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Alternative defibrillation techniques might be worth a second look. In this Critical Care Alert, we evaluate the largest and most rigorous study of double sequential external defibrillation (DSED) and
Opioid overdose deaths continue to trend upward. Multiple efforts have attempted to address this epidemic, including naloxone access. Is anything making an impact on drug use disorder deaths?