A recent study investigated COVID-19's impact on hospital visits. Patient volume plummeted - disproportionately affecting populations that already struggle with systemic inequities in healthcare.
With levels of COVID increasing globally, the full impact of the pandemic on the mental health of frontline workers is still to be determined. This study sought to assess emergency medicine (EM) physi
How could you truly know what it's like in the intensive care unit or emergency department during the peak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic without experiencing it yourself? As a new emergency medicine resi
Subdural empyemas are associated with significant morbidity and mortality if not recognized and treated promptly. The condition leads to purulent fluid collections between the dura and arachnoid mater
The presentation of motor weakness in children is often alarming, difficult to characterize, and involves a large differential of uncommon pathologies. Tick paralysis is a rare but important cause of
COVID-19 has brought challenges that those in emergency medicine have worked tirelessly to address. The challenge of the increased pediatric abuse cases and limitations on reporting is no different, a
How can you safely get outdoors? What do you need to plan to stay safe? How can you spend time in the wilderness responsibly? What impact can you have on the health of our planet and its future after
A sick teen held in an ICE detention center was taken to the emergency department with non-specific findings of ascites and lymphadenopathy. Ultrasound helped differentiate omental tuberculosis from o
As the U.S. struggles to flatten the ever-rising curve of COVID-19, the virus has revealed a new weakness in the health care system. Despite putting their own health at risk to treat victims of the pa