Malaria is a rare diagnosis in the U.S. As such, providers outside of infectious disease specialists or those with experience in travel medicine or global health may not be familiar with the disease.
COVID-19 has brought a lot of negatives and challenges, so I will look for and take a positive wherever I can find it. One bright note this year: Pet adoptions are on the rise as people realize the he
While the treatment for SARS-CoV-2 continues to evolve, the emergency department remains a primary place for early medical intervention. There is growing evidence to support that initiating steroids w
A complex trial meant to determine whether hydrocortisone can improve outcomes for patients with severe COVID-19 was stopped early - but still shows promise for the course.
With no clear consensus on the use of steroids in critically ill sepsis patients, a recent meta-analysis studies the 28-day mortality in critically ill COVID-19 patients when corticosteroids are admin
They may have had full lives with love and care and food and jokes before the coronavirus laid claim to them. And though we cannot offer a cure, we offer all we can. Even when it's simply the comfort
Reports of Intimate Partner Violence have significantly increased since mandated stay-at-home orders in response to the coronavirus pandemic. In this setting, how can you be attuned to patients at ris
The coronavirus pandemic has laid bare our health care system's vulnerabilities and lack of preparedness. It is imperative that we examine more closely the steps we have taken thus far, and what we ha