Browsing: Critical Care

The need for a central line is commonplace in the emergency department and critical care units. When deciding which of the three typical sites (internal jugular, femoral, and subclavian) to choose for
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Phlegmasia cerulea dolens is a rare but emergent condition of massive venous thrombosis that can rapidly produce irreversible vascular gangrene. If your patient in the emergency department has a swoll
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The emergent airway is central to emergency medicine. And a new study explores medications central to emergency endotracheal intubation. Which is better: etomidate or ketamine?
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Esophageal rupture is a rare condition that is recognized as one of the most fatal gastrointestinal injuries. Time to diagnosis is an independent predictor of mortality in acute esophageal rupture mak
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Obtaining arterial access is a common procedure in both emergency medicine and in critical care. It's a good idea to become familiar with the axillary artery as an alternative location for placement o
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Traumatic splenic injury and hemorrhage is a diagnosis familiar to most emergency physicians. However, a condition that some may not be familiar with is atraumatic splenic rupture.
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Balloon tamponade devices specifically designed for upper GI bleeding are well-established as a temporizing measure in life-threatening upper gastrointestinal bleeding, but rarely have been used for l
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Undifferentiated patients showing signs of shock have a high mortality rate. The Rapid Ultrasound for Shock and Hypotension (RUSH) Exam is a protocolized ultrasound exam that can be done in minutes to
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Few patients who suffer cardiac arrest from massive pulmonary embolism will survive to hospital discharge. From the evidence available, there is no clear mortality or functional outcome benefit to any
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One study showed short-term benefit to using vasopressin and methylprednisolone in patients who experience in-hospital cardiac arrest. But study limitations mean further examination is needed before a