An honest and appreciative response from an emergency resident when an attending takes a moment to check in on how this whole new world called ED is going.
During residency you refine the habits that will underpin the quality of your care, job satisfaction, and career progression. Consider some advice based on 36 years of emergency medicine practice in b
Intern year is crowded with new people, new experiences - and new doubts. For all the interns wondering "Am I terrible?" Joan Noelker has a complicated answer: Yes.
As a medical student member of EMRA and ACEP, you have a veritable treasure trove of resources at your disposal. Find out how to use them to improve your knowledge and your practice, both on-shift and
The practice of emergency medicine is awesome: It is broad, it is intense, knowledge-based, and packed with emotion - and all of that eventually can be exhausting. But being able to pack up leave (a l
Back in the good ol' days, it was said you can never go wrong with spending money on your education. And then came student loan debt... Have things ever been worse? Can they get better?
Crowded, busy emergency departments seem susceptible to an increased risk of slip-and-fall accidents that keep administrators awake at night. But does the evidence bear out this assumption?