Medical Students, Workplace

Educational EMRA and ACEP Resources for Medical Students

As a medical student member of EMRA and ACEP, you have a veritable treasure trove of resources at your disposal. Find out how to use them to improve your knowledge and your practice, both on-shift and off.

Use these educational resources, both on and off shift, to increase your knowledge of various emergency medicine topics. These are compliments of membership when you're an EMRA and ACEP member.

As a new EMRA member, your medical student welcome kit includes the following resources:

  • EMRA Antibiotic Guide
    • Quickly and efficiently select the appropriate antibiotic(s) for your next patient with one of EMRA’s most popular publications!
  • EM Fundamentals: The Essential Handbook for Emergency Medicine Residents
    • Use this pocket-size reference manual for can't-miss diagnoses, warning signs, and common treatments for an abundance of chief complaints and diagnoses.  
  • Clinical Prediction card
    • This tri-fold card includes several commonly used prediction rules for use on shift.
  • Pediatric Qwik card
    • This pediatric themed card has everything from proper dosages to normal vital sign ranges by age.
  • Airway card 
    • This two-sided card is full of everything you need to prepare for a successful intubation.
  • Look for a new edition of The Medical Student Advising Guide, a joint publication between EMRA and CORD (Council of EM Residency Directors), coming to the new member kits in the spring of 2019!

Additional EMRA publications that are available to you at a discounted price:

  • EMRA EKG Guide
    • Use this EKG interpretation guide to reference diagnostic criteria and important clinical features of common (and not so common) EKG findings.
  • Basics of Emergency Medicine adult and pediatric chief complaint set
    • All interns receive this set at the start of their PGY1 year, but these are helpful during your fourth-year away rotations as well. Reference these pocket-sized guides for an overview of the most common chief complaints presenting to the ED. The pediatric version also includes pediatric medication charts, normal vital signs, and likely diseases by age group.
  • Critical Medications badge reference cards 
    • This pair of double-sided, badge-sized reference cards help you quickly select the correct critical medication dosages for your patients.0
  • Splinting Techniques
    • This free PDF guide can help while splinting fractures in the ED, as well as on your orthopedic rotation.
  • EM Resident
    • EM Resident is a premier EM publication dedicated to medical student and resident education. Written by residents and students, each bi-monthly issue contains articles on EM hot topics, clinical cases, and other topics geared specifically toward EM-bound medical students and EM residents.
  • Monthly Medical Student Council (MSC) newsletters
    • The EMRA MSC is hard at work helping medical students stay up to date on EM events around the nation and regionally, important clinical topics, and other related EMRA programming. This newsletter is more loaded than a delicious baked potato from Wendy’s, smothered in good advice and lavished with a common sense approach to applying to residency.
  • FREE registration to the Medical Student Forum and Residency Program Fair at ACEP’s Scientific Assembly
    • The Medical Student Forum is a morning specifically for EM-bound medical students, filled with both an intern and program director Q&A session, lectures on how to apply to residency and how to be successful in the match, and networking with peers and leaders in EM.
    • The Residency Fair follows the forum, and this is a great opportunity to go and talk with program faculty and residents. Both of these events are free with EMRA membership, but the Medical Student Forum does require pre-registration via EMRA’s website.
  • EMRA Hangouts
    • EMRA Hangouts is a monthly interactive webinar with program and clerkship directors around the country speaking about various EM topics. Past episodes have discussed doing well on away rotations, tips for interview success, and how to become a competitive applicant. 
  • EMRA Match
    • This is a fantastic interactive tool to use when researching where to apply for away EM rotations and residency. With an easy-to-use interface, you can quickly look at geographic areas of the United States and use filters to decide which programs are best for you. As an EMRA member, you can save your favorites and export all program data via an Excel file, which will undoubtedly make your program search and application season preparation easier.
  • Annals of Emergency Medicine
    • ACEP’s monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal is available free to all EMRA members as a benefit of their ACEP membership.  
  • Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine
    • With case presentations followed by the critical decisions you’ll make and the evidence-based actions you’ll take, this monthly ACEP clinical publication focuses on patient care.
  • ACEP Now
    • Each monthly, downloadable issue delivers cutting-edge news, practice-changing tips, regulatory updates, and the most up-to-date information on health care reform.
  • EM:RAP
    • EM:RAP is one of the best resources out there for all levels of training, and it is free for EMRA student, resident, and fellow members (and discounted for EMRA alumni members in the first year out of residency). Each month is packed with new and insightful topics that are guaranteed to improve your knowledge, whatever your level. For medical students, the C3 series goes through basic chief complaints and how you should work them up. Their video series is helpful in learning how to do procedures, interpret EKGs, and more!
  • Hippo Education
    • Receive lifetime access to the Essentials of EM 2017 Digital Course, which includes over 100 hours of 5-, 10-, and 15-minute style lectures for $189 ($60 off).
    • Receive free access to the weekly podcast ERcast, with Dr. Rob Orman, which explores the most important challenges that EM clinicians face, from clinical topics to self-care; all in 30 minutes or less! 
  • Rosh Review
    • Save 10% off 600 NBME-formatted questions, with comprehensive explanations.
  • AHC Media, a RELIAS company
    • Register to get free online access to AHC Media's Emergency Medicine Reports (every two weeks), Pediatric Emergency Medicine Reports (monthly), and Trauma Reports (every other month).
  • VisualDx
    • For $20 per month, this mobile app allows you to build a customized pictorial differential diagnosis in seconds, drawn from thousands of medical photographs revealing variations in disease presentations.
  • EB Medicine
    • The leading publisher of evidence-based diagnosis and treatment recommendations in emergency medicine, including EMplify - a podcast that makes it easy to stay up to date while on the go.

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