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A Call for Formalized Training in Hand-Off Procedures 7 pm arrives. Your stomach is growling. You realize you haven't taken a bathroom break in the past twelve hours, and it's already time to sign ou
Everything We Wish We Learned in Residency No matter where you are completing your EM residency, a solid clinical education and the opportunity to care for, and learn from, diverse and critically ill
Comparison of Dopamine and Norepinephrine in the Treatment of Shock This Critical Care Alert from EMRA's Critical Care Division did not appear in the print version of EM Resident Magazine. Learn more
Advice for EM Applicants: Planning Your Fourth-Year Schedule EM rotations: When, where, and how many? For third-year medical students planning to specialize in emergency medicine, preparing a fourth
Pediatric Herpes Simplex Virus Infections From the January 2014 issue of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice, “Pediatric Herpes Simplex Virus Infections: An Evidence-Based Approach To Treatment.”
Acute Urinary Retention in the Emergency Department From the January 2014 issue of Emergency Medicine Practice, “An Evidence-Based Approach To The Emergency Department Management of Acute Urinary Ret
Lesions THE CASES Case 1. The Patient A 15-year-old female presents to the ED for the fourth time in three weeks because of low-grade fever, malaise, and chest pain. Over the past day she developed a
Subspecialty Training in Clinical Informatics Clinical informatics is a new medical subspecialty that focuses on medical data, clinical processes, and computational systems applied to the practice of
Wilderness Medicine Races “On your mark, get set, go!” My five teammates and I charge up the snow-blanketed hill, venturing into the dense timber of the state park. Armed with our essential survival
Unconventional Embolisms Case. A 26-year-old female presents to your ED with four days of fever, shortness of breath (SOB), cough, and substernal chest pain.  In two previous visits over the same tim