Pathways to Critical Care Fellowship Training (Panel Discussion, ACEP14)
The Fellows' Perspective Ann Tsung, MD. Ann is from the University of Florida and has matched at Washington University in St.
Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis in Children
From the February 2014 issue of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice, “PEMP – Emergency Department Management of Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis in Chil
CASES Case 1. The Patient A 61-year-old female complains of sudden onset right eye pain, headache, blurred vision, and vomiting 2 hours prior to coming to the ED. Physical examination reve
A Call to Advocacy
As my shift is about to start, I look at the board to see what's new and what may be signed out. There's a drunk patient in bed 5, a psychotic patient in 19 in restraints, over in
The Pediatric Burn Patient: A Simplified Approach
Burns are a fairly common occurrence among the pediatric population. While most burns are limited and require only localized wound care and outpatien
ISAEM and the Push for Emergency Medicine Worldwide
Establishing the Standard To many EMRA members, it may come as a surprise that the specialty of emergency medicine is a foreign term, and in many c
MSIV Reflections on Matching EM (Part 1)
What I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then From the EMRA Medical Student Council Introduction This time of year brings feelings of change to every medical studen
A Call for Formalized Training in Hand-Off Procedures
7 pm arrives. Your stomach is growling. You realize you haven't taken a bathroom break in the past twelve hours, and it's already time to sign ou
Everything We Wish We Learned in Residency
No matter where you are completing your EM residency, a solid clinical education and the opportunity to care for, and learn from, diverse and critically ill
Comparison of Dopamine and Norepinephrine in the Treatment of Shock
This Critical Care Alert from EMRA's Critical Care Division did not appear in the print version of EM Resident Magazine. Learn more