The EMRA offices will be closed for the upcoming holidays from Tuesday, December 24, 2024 thru Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Joshua Davis, MD

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EMRA Research Committee Chair, 2020-2021
EMRA Research Committee Chair-elect, 2019-2020
EMRA Medical Student Council Mentorship Coordinator, 2016-2017

Emergency medicine physician, Vituity
Youtube and Facebook: FitFreakMD

Residency: Penn State Health
Medical school: Thomas Jefferson University

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We're pleased to introduce Joshua Davis, MD, chair of the EMRA Research Committee, 2020-2021.
Type I error. Type II error. Alpha. Beta. And that null hypothesis. Let's look at what these all really mean in clinical studies.
How much can you rely on the evidence presented in a clinical study? Let this pyramid be a guide.
A look at what each of these terms implies when used in medical research.
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Probiotics are moving from "alternative" practice into mainstream medical management.
EMRA Mentorship Program Check out EMRA's mentorship program! Many believe that having a physician mentor is one of the most valuable resources for medical students interested in becoming a successful
The July Effect: Is the Emergency Department Safe? Media outlets have been stepping up their game with increasingly captivating headlines. When we see titles like “Viagra Con Man Hit with a Stiff Sen
Backing Up the Evidence: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis A meta-analysis or systematic review (MA/SR) can be a powerful tool to aggregate data on a specific question and arrive at a universal ans
Early Cardiac Catheterization and PCI in Cardiac Arrest with ROSC We all know early recognition and early CPR is important for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients; however, what is the optimal ca
How Interprovider Communication in the ED Affects More than What You Think Medicine is full of communication. We must communicate effectively with our patients and with other professionals on the car